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<Third Person>

The car was completely ruined. Their survival was a mystery. It was even more of a miracle how Kimberly only had a few bruises here and there and Kay only lay in a hospital bed because of her low blood pressure. They monitored her vitals carefully as she slipped in and out of consciousness.

Kimberly stared nervously unto the the stainless white walls. She was expecting someone. She was expecting her fa- Kay's father.

His resemblance to the man she had seen at the mall some months back was too high to overlook. She searched, contacted relentlessly, until she found he was living four states away.

Getting over the lie she had been living with, she begged him to meet with them and give them the closure about his disappearance they never got. When he declined at first out of fear, she drove the seven hours to meet him, talk with him and encourage him to meet his daughter again. He finally agreed but he still wasn't here yet. She worried he had gotten scared and backed out again.

Kay's eyes fluttered open; this was the third time she had come to and each time was surprised by her surroundings.

After this, she was conscious for two hours- the longest yet. But her dad still wasn't there.

Kimberly's worries increased. She sped back and forth from the head of the bed to the narrow doors, not realizing Kay's awareness at first. She bit her nails, racking her brain for any real reason for him not coming.

- Was he being insincere?
- Does he not think we deserve his graces?
- Where we-

Cutting of her thoughts, an aged man, around 45, stepped timidly into the cramping room. His kinky hair stood up with a few scattered gray hairs. His clothes clung to his still fit body and his eyebrows creased in age.

Becoming familiar with the face during her research, Kimberly flung her thin body upon the man, wrapping her arms around his neck as he embraced her in return. Taking in his scent, her worries of him coming, fading, but immediately were replaced with new ones.

How was this meeting going to go?


"Why didn't you come back? Why did you leave me to suffer?" Kay's hospital bed was adjusted so that she was able to sit upright. Now that she was able to face her father, after she spent most of her life believing he was dead. She wanted answers.

"Why would you leave me to burn if you knew the type of person she was?" Her voice came off with a certain coldness, a disgust she didn't even know she was capable of having.

Her father had spoken about how her mother was a drug addict which had caused him to leave her. But why would he just leave both of his children to an addict, who would certainly hurt them as well? Was it really possible to hate both of the parents you were given?

"We-ll...," he stuttered out. "I had brought her to court to gain custody of you both. But she wass..umm...granted the custody because she was employed and I wasn't,  more able to raise children they said,"

Kay's features softened at his words, she has judged him too quickly. But she wondered why he just gave up.

He continued, sweeping his head over his head and scratching his neck lightly, "And is if to secure you guys, she filed a restraining order for all three of you. So technically, right now, I'm committing and offence. Which is the reason I was so hesitant in the beginning. But you guys are my children and I couldn't resist for too long,"

Kimberly's face scrunched in discomfort at the statement but remained silent as she listened to the two talk. She's been waiting for this for a while. Her closure would come one day; this was mainly for Kay and her father.

The conversation continued, feelings being let into the open, bonds being reconnected and tears being shed.

It had been a good day.

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