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The Judge and Jury had been in conversation for at least half an hour now and nervousness was present on both ends of the case.

"I really sympathize with you, Ms. Kay," the judge began suddenly, staring right at Kay. "But, with the minimum evidence I have, I can only give Mr. Winter 7 years under high security,"

Kimberly hung her head in defeat, the tears threatened to spill out. She was hoping she wouldn't have to say this but there was something she was hiding. She was hoping the original sentence would be high enough to keep it hidden. She pushed back her emotion and raised her head, "Judge, the case isn't closed yet,"

Kimberly stood, walking respectfully to the stand. She was about to admit something that she even had tried to hide from herself for years. It had been pushed to the back of her mind since its happened, as a type of coping mechanism. She lived the rest of her life pretending it never and treated people as such.

"Your Honour, I'd like to present to you an additional case," Memories and emotions ran through her mind, threatening a mental breakdown. But, she shook it off and with a small waver in her voice, began speaking, "I, myself, am a victim of Ms. Winter's abuse. Sexual abuse, to be exact. Only sexual abuse. For 4 years. Since age 2," she began raising her voice. She faced the side of the court her mother was on. "FOUR FUCKING YEARS, since 2," she held up her fingers in exasperation. Her voice came out strained and stressed.

"No swearing," the judge spoke in masked anger, banging her gavel on the wood.

"Sorry, Ms. Judge, I held my tongue but what the point of calling out pointless cursing but allow an aged man to practically mentally harass a minor?" Kimberly showed that she wasn't looking for an answer and continued. "In case, my story isn't enough. Those persons in the front row of the audience, they are victims as well. They're all my friends and the crimes took place whenever they were at my house for playdates. Around 3-6, I assume. They were always threatened into silence."

Without waiting for further discussion, Kimberly made her back to her original seat and sat back down, wearing her poker face.

Jezebel's jaw hung slack. She was 100% certain that Kimberly nor any of her victims had remembered. She knew there was honestly no hope for her release now.

With the victim count standing at 24, including Kimberly and Kay, the jury re-evaluated. Judge Hannah cleared her throat, earning the attention of the court, "Plaintiff Mr. Wright found guilty of violation of restraining order. To serve 2 months of community service,"

A sly smiles emerged on the members of Jezebel's party. In contrary, Jezebel stood nervous, shaking. She was doomed to countless years of jail time.

"And Defendant Ms. Winter found guilty of child abuse, child sexual abuse and child mental abuse and shall fill out all forms as a 'serial child sex offender',"

The whole court took a breath in, silence filling the small wooden room. "To serve 472 years in prison,"


Celebration had ceased and the festive atmosphere was almost back to normal. Kimberly, who had had a little too much to drink, sauntered towards the blurry figure of her 'father'.

Maybe it was the alcohol but she was feeling extreme gratitude ,"You know what, thanks 'dad'," she made air quotes with her fingers. "Thanks for not only now but taking care of me when I was founder even though you're not my dad and all,"

"Trust me, Kimberly. Its not fair for you to think differently. I may not be your biological father but if I'm not mistaken, I was the only man there. Who was present at everything you were involved in. You are and will always be, my child,"

Again. Not sure if it was the alcohol but Kimberly let it all go. She bawled her eyes out, letting go of all the emotions she had left inside. The emotions of a confused two year old, whose mother had sexually harassed her to the emotions of an emotionless 21 year old who had seen the same thing happen to her younger sister.

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