Part 28 - Uncle Will

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*Author's POV*

The Next Morning...

Will and Jack had stayed over since they stayed up late with Katherine and Prince watching movies and that tv show, they all had a ball. They actually fell asleep in the living room on the couch, not Katherine, she kept getting up to attend to little three month old, Amelia, throughout the night. Katherine just ended up passing out in her nursery with her daughter in her arms while she was in the rocking chair.

Prince got up and looked around, seeing Will sprawled out on the couch with Jack on the floor wrapped in a blanket burrito. Prince shakes his head and chuckles as he makes his way straight to the nursery, he stops and stares at the sight before him. A loving smile plays on his lips as a soft hearty chuckle escapes him, he walks up to his sleepy Wife and very peaceful Daughter cradled in her arms, giving them both a soft kiss on the forehead before making his way upstairs to have a shower and getting changed.

Once he makes his way back downstairs into the kitchen, Jack and Will had woken up and having coffee.

"Oh, Morning you two." Prince announces.

"Good Morning, where did the Wifey run off to? I got up to get some water at around 2am and she wasn't with us." Jack asks.

"She went and slept in the nursery, Amelia must've kept waking up throughout the night. That's the one thing about newborns, parents don't get much sleep anymore. You'd be lucky to get a couple hours a night." Prince explains.

Will nods, sipping on his coffee.

"I walked passed the nursery earlier to get changed in the guest room, it was the cutest thing I've ever seen. Seeing her asleep in the rocking chair holding Amelia. Katherine's doing an amazing job being a Mother." Will smiles.

Prince smiles at Will's comment.

"She really is, there have been moments where she felt like she really wasn't being a good enough when Amelia is crying a lot and Katherine can't seem to get her to calm down and then Katherine gets upset then starts blaming herself, calling herself a bad Mother. But I think she's doing a fantastic job." Prince says.

Will nods, taking in what Prince is saying.

"I have those moments too, when Jack has a tantrum when I don't take him out to lunch." Will says.

Jack darts his eyes at Will, making an unamused face.

"Ha ha ha, you're bloated." Jack retorts.

Prince chuckles, sipping on some water.

The three men go out into the living room, talking amongst themselves. Which is always full of jokes and sarcasm.

"How's your New Years show coming along? Nearly planned?" Will asks Prince.

"No, I want it to be big. Rememberable, like yeah I have The New Power Generation with me...but I don't feel like that's enough. You know?" Prince explains.

 You know?" Prince explains

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