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As I arrived to my new home, I knew I wouldn't like it here. My heart will always love Arendelle no matter what. Well you see my parents died on the sea in a cruiser a few years ago since then it has been just Anna and me .Until my uncle David and my aunt Ema decided to take us in we lived with them and my cousin Punzie.

I got to my new room. It had a bathroom (thank god because Anna and Punzie take hours in it) and everything .It was painted blue with a snowflake mobil above my bed. And I got my own little library since my aunt Ema love to read, sadly Punzie never really took the habit. But I did and lucky me she liked the kind of books I loved. So I went to the library and stayed there for minutes or maybe hours I don't know time just flys sometimes.

"Elsa?"Said Anna with her chipmunk voice.

"Yep?" I responded empathizing on the 'p'

"Well, me and Punzie were thinking of going to the park after maybe you want to join us?" She asked with a please-go tone

"Just the 3 of us?" I asked hoping it was just family

"No actually Punzie's friends are coming with us" she responded a bit anxious.

"Well, sounds lovely but I guess I prefer to stay here alone" I answered a little disappointed.

"But no one wants to be alone!" She replied.

"Enough Anna, you ask for me to go but my answer is no"I raised my voice in hopes she would stop insisting.

Anna just slammed the door and I stayed alone to be who I really am.
Without hurting anybody, you see...It's not that I wanted to hurt Anna or anything,but sometimes I just lose control of my emotions thanks to our parents death and well..Anna just doesn't deserve to take my shit, she has a lot already and some times ,I was just to cruel and cold.
All I want is to be alone,so I push everyone away. I had to grow up too fast to protect Anna form the world and in the process somehow it feels like if I had built walls of ice around my heart so no one could hurt us but I guess Anna doesn't need my protection any more . But the walls ain't going down.

Jelsa at High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now