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I was skiing when I felt something weird in the ice. Then I heard Sophie screaming Jack's name. I went as fast as I could.

I arrived and there was a hole in the ice and Sophie didn't stop crying. So Jack had fall in? I didn't hesitate. I took out my clothes and went right into the pond for him. He was too heavy maybe it was his clothes . Somehow I manage to pull him up and save him! I put on Jack hoodie because it was fucking freezing. And I realized Jack wasn't breathing! I tried everything to make him breath so i had to give him moth breathing so I did the first time didn't work but the second time he graved my wrist and pulled me closer.

-Thanks snowflake.
-You are such an idiot I thought you were dead! You were iced-cold!
-Well, a true love's kiss will thraw a frozen heart right?
-It wasn't love. I was saving your life! And that's it.
- Okey ..Hey honey I really enjoy seeing you bearly wearing cloths believe me, but my sister is here. So would you mind dressing up a little?
-Urgh you are such an ass.
-Jack!!! Sophie said while hugging him.

So i went to dress up. And when I got back Sophie hugged me as hard as she could as said:
-Could never repay you Tooth. For everything you have done for me. I really hope you and Jack marry. You deserve each other.
-Thanks Sophie, I really hope so too.
-Hey, would you mind giving me a hand to take him home?
-Not at all.

So we toke Jack to his house he could bearly walk and his wet clothes were very heavy. When we got to his house. I saw someone..I wasn't really aspecting, the real Tooth.

-Hey, you bitch. Hands off!she said
-Don't speak to Tooth like that! said Sophie.
-You even pretended to be me!?Oh god Elsa I didn't knew things were that bad with James. Poor little slut!
-Wait what? said Sophie who run upstairs angrily.
-You have to get a life Elsa Winters Disney and stop messing other peoples life's.
-Did someone say Disney? said Jacks father who was in the kitchen.
-I-I saved Jack from turning into ice. I said
-And now you are going to get the hell out of here and never speak with my son ever again! Do I make myself clear El-sa? He said
-Fine. I said while walking out.

I just had hope Jack was conscious so he could at least say something. I guess just things change and lovers leave and life doesn't stop for anybody. I felt great because I could never speak to him again but at least I saved him. I get to see him from a far away distance but at least I get to see him.

Jelsa at High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now