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I got in the bar with my friends and got a drink. Everything was going just fine. Mulan and Belle where flirting and the rest of the girls were in the restroom so I was alone, and I decide to go to the smokers balcony until somebody approached me.

"Hi." he said

"Hey." I responded with a smile

"So.. what are you doing here?" He asked raising an eyebrow

"Is it wrong to be here?" I snapped back at him.

"No!but ...you don't smoke. do you?" He asked smiling

"Yes. I just... run out of cigarettes ."I said feeling smart
Look I know I did wrong by flirting and damaging my lungs but Jack didn't love me , so...I was not going to be miserable for the rest of my days.

"Lucky you! I have here some."he said taking out a cigarette.

"I thought you never ask." I said raising an eyebrow.

So he lit up a cigaret and handed to me. And well... I choked. And stared coughing like crazy.

"You know...you could just stop lying to me." He said while laughing.

"I'm sorry. It's just that I don't really trust people." I said trying to get some fresh air

"I know,but you can trust me." He said looking at the city.

"Why?" I snapped

"Because I just saw you choke with your first cigaret and I am not going to tell anybody." He said touching my cheek carefully.

"Thanks, and who are you any way?"I said taking a step back.

He got closer to me. He was hot. His brown hair was perfect and his brown eyes were also so beautiful.

"My name is James. And you are Elsa right?"he said taking out a cigarette for himself.

"How do you know my name?" I said surprised

"We take Chemistry together." He said smiling.

"Oh, sorry it's just that they are a lot of names that I haven't yet catch up." I apologized

"It's okey. I understand...So you are going to hit that? I mean the cigarette of course." He said pointing towards my finger where the cigarette was.

"Haha no, I guess not." I said trowing it away.

"You have an amazing laugh." He said in a hushed tone

"Thanks." I smiled

"Hey! Tell me how do mine sounds like?" He started making bad dolphin impressions.

"Hahaha.You sound like a dead animal." I said in a gentle tone.

"Oh, well then I guess you laugh and I make you laugh. Do we have a deal?" He said extending his hand.

"Dea-" I was about to respond when someone interrupted me.

"Elsa!!!!" Hiccup approached me.

"Hiccup?" I said confused

"Who is he? "Jamie asked.

"My best friend." I snapped quickly, I was worried.

"Elsa, Punzie and Anna are here and well, they already had a few drinks and-" He said while panting.

"Just tell me Hiccup." I said quickly.

"Punzie is making out with a total stranger and I can't find Anna." He finally said.

"Shit! " I said while punching the air.

"Can I help with something?"Jamie asked worried.

"Yes, you two get Punzie to my house and I go find Anna." I said while walking away.

"Okey. "They both said.

I walked all over the bar. All my friends were vomiting in the bathroom and well..no one had seen Anna. I looked everywhere until I saw a silver blonde guy kissing a brunet girl. Jack was kissing Anna? while she was drunk? I thought he was sweet and nice. But now I knew the truth. He was nothing but an asshole.

"Hey you fucker. Get away from my sister! " I punched him in the face and before the tears started running out of my face I said:

"I told you to NEVER crossed paths with me you dumb ass."And this time I kicked him in the stomach.

I took Anna with me and got her home in a cab. I didn't know what my heart was feeling I was mixed emotion I mean Jamie, Jack, Anna and Jack ! all in the same day I just got home and cried my heart out. But one thing was certain Frost was never coming back to my life from this moment on we were complete strangers.

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