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It's been three weeks since Jack asked me to be his girlfriend and we have had some fights, laughs, sex, phone calls that lasted as long as 3 movies and some really weird dates. One time he took me to see cars! So that I could "see" the world he sees but then I took him shopping and he almost suicide so I guess that's what love is taking the shit of the other person because you want them to be happy.

J: Ready for tomorrow?
E: What's tomorrow?
J:It stars with W.
E :Weird date?
J:No, I mean we are going to have one of those when W is over.
E:Wicked! I forgot!
J:That's why I have to remind you snowflake.
E: See you tomorrow.
I got to the theater and went green which was quite easy thanks to my pale skin.I never saw Jack well only at stage but it wasn't the same we where pretending to be other people even though the love was pure. Show was over. Jack came to me.
-Hello greenie.
-Hi Ice nice to see you.
-I could say the same, you were amazing tonight although we both know who was the star tonight.
-Let me guess.. you?
-You are always so smart I love it!
-And your always so modest which I could tell you it's not my favorite thing about you.
-Haha you love me snowflake.
-Why are you so sure about that?
-Because I can do this. He kissed me passionately.
-And you won't slap me to death. he said
-Oh shut up, you were the one who fell in love with me first.
-True, but getting you to like me was not exactly one of the easiest things.
-Was it wort it?
He grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer.
-Every single time.
-You should probably change for our date, not that you don't look lovely or anything but people are not used to see green people walking down the streets and besides they might confuse you for a zombie and we wouldn't want that now would we?
-But then again the superhero Jack Frost will come to save me with his ice powers wouldn't he? I said sarcastically.
-I already told you snowflake I am your guardian. He said giving me a kiss in the fore head before disappearing.
I got all the green out and put on some normal clothes for summer. a top and a skirt and as always Jack was waiting in his car with a ladder jacket, a white shirt and blue jeans. He looked so hot on that clothes.
-You really have to stop being so pretty Elsa one day I might get a heart attack.
-You prefer the green Elsa?
-As long as your mine. he said winking an eye on me. God I love it when he did that.
-So.... where are we going tonight?
-We are going to have a picnic.
-It's a surprise so you will have to cover your eyes.
Jack had been so quiet along the way it seemed to me as if hours had passed but I wasn't really sure.
-We arrived!
-Can I take this off now?
-No, wait a second.
He got out of the car and started to put the things in it's place.
-Okey he said while removing the bandana he used to cover my eyes slowly.
I looked at a landscape pretty much familiar but then it couldn't be, he couldn't have done this, I was just dreaming.
-Welcome to Arandelle your majesty. he said
-You little shit I said while hugging him tight. He brought me back home! here is where I belonged.
-How did you know? I asked.
-Anna told me everything, why didn't you tell me you where the next ruler of this kingdom?
-Well, because when I become queen of this I have royal obligations.
-Yeah I know but snowflake why don't you let me in your past?
-Because as queen I have to marry a rich king in order to bring prosperity to this kingdom.
-I can do it.
-Become a rich prosper king, I could sell my x box and a couple of comics maybe even my guitar.
-Haha yes that will sure make you rich.
-Elsa there's no way I am ever going to be more apart than what I am right now.
-Well, then I'll have to push you away.
-Haven't you already try to do that? yes, You know why it did work? because I love you and I wouldn't let anything or anyone hurt you.
-I love you too Jack Frost. I said while giving him a kiss on the cheek and receiving an idiot-smile in return.
-Look he said.
-The stars are beautiful.
-The moon is so big and shiny.
-I never really understood what was with you and the moon.
-It makes it feel all better like if the fear just disappears.
-You do know your precious moon gets 1.6 inches away from you each year?
-Thanks for ruining this love moon and Jack moment, besides if you love that much astrofisicis, maybe you should be an astronomer or something like that.
-Jack, you know I can't my fate was decided the moment my parents died.
-There are other ways Elsa! Think about it you could be an astronomer and I could be a teacher at a school and together we could make it though life.
-Jack, It's enough you know I have to become queen.
-I know I just don't believe you don't have any other choice.
-Well, maybe I chose this.
-Oh really? You chose to be a ruler? A cold queen? The snow queen? Elsa is that what you really want?
-I said Enough Jack! you really don't get it do you? If I had any other choice I would take it and leaving this people to another ruler would be to leave my family destiny.
-You know Elsa, a girl once told me that destiny is not a rule.
-For me it is.
-Look, I'm sorry snowflake I just can't lose you, not now, not in three years , not ever, I found happiness in you and I won't let go.
-I love you Jack. I said while kissing him.
-I love you too Elsa . He said kissing me back.

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