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I got home and my dad approached me.

-Son! I am so proud of you! he hugged me.
-Eh.. For what exactly?
-For .. well first stop seeing that Disney family then getting a girlfriend that I actually like and joining the hockey team! I am truly proud.
-Thanks dad , but how do you know all this?
-Your girlfriend came here and told me everything.She is upstairs playing with Sophie

I went upstairs hoping my dad was lying. I like Tooth but she had become annoying as fuck! I couldn't go anywhere without her and if I went she just got mad. And I couldn't text anyone without her finding out. She even planed our wedding! Oh and of course I couldn't talk to anybody who was not popular or was a girl.This was just getting out of hand.

-Look at you! You look beautiful! said someone in my sisters room clearly it wasn't Tooth. That voice I know that voice.
-Thanks Tooth. I feel like a princess. said Sophie.
-You are one. said Elsa.

My heart started to rush up. The only thing I wanted to do was to get inside there and hugged Elsa until she couldn't breath anymore. So I got in and saw Sophie.

-Jack! Sophie said.
-Hello there beautiful!
-Look at me ! I am a princess.
-Sure and the flawless of them all.
-Tooth did my make up. She is awesome Jack.
-I know. That's why she is my girlfriend.

I looked up at Elsa. She had blushed. Dawn she was so beautiful. I couldn't believe that the two woman I truly loved where in the same room. This was paradise.
-Jack? said Sophie
-Could you two kiss for me.
-I am not sure that's a good idea.
-But , Tooth you promised.
-I did. said Elsa
-She what?
-I promised the lady here. We would kiss. She said approaching me.
-I really hoped she would forget. she whisper in my ear.
-Well, maybe you should have tought about that before you make yourself pass as my girlfriend. I whisper back
-I don't see the kissing guys! Sophie said.
-Right the kiss. I replied
I took Elsa by the wrist and pulled her closer to me then I pulled away her hair from her face and she was looking down blushing like crazy so I make her look at me right in the eye . Dawn her blue eyes where perfect. And kissed her. I swear the whole room disappeared. I felt the whole fucking zoo in my stomach and it just felt magical. Nothing like I felt before with anyone and I swear I could stay in this moment forever. But I knew I had to pull away because my little sister was looking. Even thought it was just a cute little kiss I swear it was the best one yet. I pulled away and saw Elsa opening her eyes with the brightest smile I have ever seen on her.

-Happy? I asked Sophie
-Well now if you excuse us I have to take Miss gorgeous here. Because we have to talk. I said that as I carried Elsa (bride style) to my room.
I put Elsa in my bed.

-You are getting fat. I said
-Shut up Jack.
-No. Seriously I don't recall making all this effort when I kidnapped you. I lied she was as thin as a feather.
-Then work out you lazy fag.
-Do a diet!
-Haha. I love chocolate so I don't think so.
I swear that was a real laugh not like the ones she forced with James.

-Okey, "Tooth" tell me why put yourself into all this trouble?
-Because I own you an apology.
-Oh for hitting me with that rock the other day? You didn't have to snowflake.
-Don't get it started Ice.
-Frost. so of what do I own the unpleasant visit?
-Anna told me what really happened that night at the bar and I wanted to say that I am sorry for punching you in the face and kicking you in the stomach and right now for pretending to be your girlfriend.
-Apology accepted.
-I should get going.
-In the cold with no other than that sweater? Hell no. I have to protect my "girlfriend" before she gets a cold.
-The cold never bother me anyway.
-Yeah sure. Whatever you say.

So I gave her my favorite hoodie. And I swear I haven't seen something that beautiful in all my life she looked perfect.

-Thank you "boyfriend."
-Well, now go you are disturbing me.
-Okey. But you have to promise me something.
-For you? anything snowflake.
-You can't tell anyone about the kiss!
-Don't worry it wasn't that special for me either.
-Okey. Thanks Jack
-No. Thank you

She hugged me and I swear I wanted to do everything on Earth with her.But this was just a one timed thing I knew it. So I had to go back to my life with Tooth.

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