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First day of school and I was already someone's crush! Omg I usually didn't go out with anyone because Elsa never allowed it.Like ever!
But this was my new start so I wouldn't let anyone get in my way of true love.

As I walked home I saw Jack hidden in the bushes looking at Elsa who took a guitar inside. And Jack just smiled as an idiot so I decided to surprise him.

"Well, someone's got a crush huh?"I said with an I-got-you look.
"Tell me Anna how is your sister so god dawn cold but still so hot?"He said with a flirting smile.
"What?" I couldn't believe what he had just said.
"I mean, crush? I only just meet her and besides she hates me." He said trying to fix his mistake.
"Haha ,yeah absolutely in love."I respond with a warm smile. My sister has an admirer this is cute.
"I am not in love, I am out of love." He said correcting me.
"Oh really? And how is that?" I asked confused.
"Well I love someone but she doesn't loves me back and no I am not a helpless romantic so I'll just forget about her." He said with an angry tone.
"Okey then , but if it's true love maybe it can thraw her frozen heart." I said with a tone of hope.
"Well, it is not and I have to go." He said getting up.
"Okey, see you later Jack."I said while waving him goodbye.
"Bye Anna." He replayed walking away.

I got into the house and saw Elsa composing a song ,you see..My sister always loved to sing and make music besides she had an amazing voice.

When she was little she even imagined she had ice powers. I miss how close we used to be sometimes. Before she started behaving like a grown up and shutting people out , I don't know how that girl got so cold.

"So you are trying your new guitar?"I asked with a smile.
"Yeah, well that idiot at least knows how to pick good guitars."Elsa said rolling her eyes.
"I think you should apologize to him." I said with a you-know-I'm-right look.
"No , he deserve it!"she snap back at me
"Elsa!" I said a little offended
"Fine Anna, you win." She said giving up.
"Yay!" I said while jumping
Elsa smiled
"So what is it your song called?" I asked.
"Let it go" she replayed.
"Sounds like a yolo song." I said with an eyebrow raised.
"Haha no..It is....inspiring."She said hesitantly.
"Well, good luck." I said getting out of her room.
"Thanks." She said from a far.

And after I left Elsa's room I got a text from Hans Isles.
H: Hello, princess
A: Oh hi
H: Do you want to come to my place?
A: Sure, what day?
H: Friday perhaps?
A: Perfect, see you then.
H: See you beautiful.

My first date ! Omg I have to tell Elsa and Punzie,They are going to be so happy for me.
"No, you are not going Anna!" Elsa said with an angry tone.
"Elsa, please." I begged
"I can go with her, it can be a double date."Punzie suggested
"Come on Elsa, I know you've never been in love but I could if you let me." I said with my puppy eyes.
"Fine!You can go but only if Punzie goes." She said giving up while hopping Punzie refused.
"Yeah, I can manage that."Punzie supported me.
"So do we have a deal?"I asked
"Deal."Elsa replayed accepting she was bitten

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