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I woke up, washed up and put on clothes, normal ones. I went to get Elsa. But believe me I wasn't prepared for what was coming.

She was dressed in the most beautiful way I've ever seen her. She even put make up on and my heart was just crazy beating.
-Shall we go? I asked trying to sound naturally.
-Yeah,I guess.

She got into the car.
-So, what are we going to do today?
-Well, at first. Thought about ice skating but then I thought how cliché was that you know because you like snow, I like snow so I thought about something else.
-And what is that?
-I guess we are about to find out.
We arrived at the go cars.
-Seriously Jack?she said
-Well, this is not a normal date Elsa.
-What do you mean?
-You have to know something about me and so I have to know things about you.
-I don't understand.
-Come on. I said as putting a helmet on her head.
We got on the cars and I really didn't expect Elsa to be good at this I actually was hoping she suck but I guess she is a world full of surprises. We cased each other on the track for at least 2 hours.
And we got back into the car because I couldn't waste any time with her.
-Okey Jack so tell me what does this has to do with you?
-My cousin and I used to come here every Friday, eat the over priced hot dogs and laugh before he died of cancer. I said holding back a tear.
-I'm so sorry.
-Don't be he wouldn't like for me to remember him with sadness. I'm glad he existed and I got to meet him.
She smiled and I smiled back.
-So that's why you and Hiccup are best friends?
-Kind of, I mean my cousin made sort of a manual on how not to let the cancer become you and when I saw Hiccup fighting for his life I gave it to him and well he owned me Big Time I guess.
-I always knew you did care for people.
-What can I say? I guess you do know me well.

-Hey, can I drive? she asked
-No fucking way, you are going to kill us both!
-I drive perfectly and besides you showed me a place that matter to you and now I believe it's my turn.
-Tell me where to go.
She gave me some directions I thought it was a house when she mentioned it but then we arrived.
-A bookstore?
-It's not only a bookstore it's a bookstore a library and a cafe.
-Perdon me your majesty.
-It's okey Ice. she said as walking in the store-library-cafe.

I got inside and was amazed I have never seen so many books in all my life. I read you know from time to time but I never really got into the habit that much. I realized Elsa was gone and she totally had the advantage. I was worried as hell but then I tripped with someone.
-Sorry are you hurt?
It was a little girl. she shook her head 'no'
-Where is your mom?
She made me an'i don't know' gesture.
-Well, I am looking for someone too maybe we could find them together.
She said 'yes' with her head.

And so there you got me looking for a little girls mom and Elsa of course. The store was huge. We found the girl sister how happened to be Tooth.
-Baby tooth, come here!
The little girl went right there.
-Thanks Jack I thought she was harmed.
-Your welcome Tooth.
- Hey, what are you doing with my girl! said someone clearly pissed off.
-Your what? I said confused.
-It's okey Bunny, I got this one.
-Yeah tell your kangaroo to stay away from me I am looking for Elsa.
-Oh I saw her talking to a guy in the poetry section. Tooth say
-Thanks I replayed .
I walked as fast as I could to the poetry section. What the fuck was she doing? I finally got the courage to invite her on a date and she was flirting? I mean that is just wrong. I got there and realized what Tooth had said was right she was there with a guy laughing. I was broken inside.
-Jack! omg I've looked everywhere for you.she said
-Yeah, looks as you've worried as hell.
-Excuse me?
-Elsa, if you didn't want to go out with me you could have just tell me. I mean there is no need for this.
-And what is this suppose to mean?
-Him, you, laughing.
-Ohhh you mean that?
-Yes I mean that.
-Can I just explain myself?
-No yo- I was cut off by her kissing me! I just couldn't push her away I actually pull her closer. I really did love her.
-Okey you may explain. I said
-He is my friend Kyle, we became friends decades ago when I was at the hospital.
-You what?
-I'll tell you later Ice.
-Hi, Kyle, I was not trying to steal her Jack I was just helping look for you meanwhile catching up a little with her life.Cool? he said
-Cool. I replayed
-Okey, goodbye Kyle, see you soon.
-Bye Elsie. He said as he walked away.
-Do you want to get some coffee?she asked
-Sure I said.
-So, hospital, what happened?
-Well, I don't know if Anna or Punz told you but I was born before expected I was supposed to be born by winter but instead I was born on summer, so I got some medical problems the first years.They thought I was going to die but I didn't, my mom used to come to read to me every day the "snow queen" or "snow white" even sometimes myths about a guy named "Jack Frost" who is supposed to bring snow and frostbites to the world anything related with winter .
-Well, isn't that funny?
-Yeah, kind of I think, but then I found out I was going to have a sister and became all excited I got out of the hospital and started to read by myself and even though the first times was as if I was reading chinese I started to understand and just love reading I stopped for a while bit then my parents died and so I took that habit again, pushed everyone out and escaped to my perfect written world.Ever since I got here this is my favorite place.

I was shocked on what she just said I couldn't think of anything.
-Hey I said
-Yeah? she replied.
-Let's go on an adventure! I said as approaching my car and taking her soft lovely hand.
We got to my house and I turned on the tv, got into Netflix and.
-The Hobbit really?
-Well, you just took me to a bookstore where I got all jealous about a guy that you meat at the hospital, so yeah and besides it's a really good story.
-You got what?
-I got fucking jealous Elsa, I love you and you don't know what you mean to me, you are the first light in a very very dark life.
-I love you too.
I carried her to the couch while kissing her because I couldn't resist she was absolutely beautiful.
-I'm sorry but what does this makes us?
-Omg Elsa you have been my girlfriend ever since that time you pretended to be my girlfriend but if you want to make it official. I said while pulling her closer to me and graving the flowers they where at the living room.
-Would you Elsa Winters Arendelle give me the honor of becoming your boyfriend?
-Yes! she said while hugging me tight. I loved her.
-Thanks snowflake.
We got into the couch cuddling and kissing. You know boyfriend and girlfriend stuff. dawn it feels so good to at last call her that.
-So please tell me you didn't just brought me to your house to watch this movie because it is your favorite book.
-You know, your smarter than I thought, but no I brought you here because I wanted for you to see the first part of the story and to read the book I said as I handed her a book.
-Well, I didn't quite saw the movie.
-Of course not you where distracted by my beautiful self, but who can really blame you.
-Fine, I'll read your book but only if you read shadow hunters.
-I am not reading a chick book.
-Then I am not reading your favorite book.
-Urgh fine I'll read it.
-I love you and shit I have to go it's 9:00 pm already. she said.
-I'll drive you home.

And so I did, we arrived at her house and she got out and went running to the entrance but I graved her by the wrist.
-Your going without saying goodbye? I said while tickling her.
-No, Jack stop.
-Why are you holding back from such a man?
-Haha Jack please.
-Just say it.
-Goodnight, I love you she said while kissing me.
-I love you too snowflake. I said and then she pulled away and was gone.

I could bearly even breath by now, did that really happened? or was I just dreaming? I pinched myslef. Ouch. holy shit that did just happened. I smiled and Smiled and missed her .

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