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I went to pick up Elsa only 1 hour later wich she was pissed and beautiful, but that is alright beacuse that's how I met her,that's who she is my little beast. Ww arrived at the restaurant it was called "Winter" it was really classy and beautiful by the lake. Perfect. A waiter took us to our table.

-Why this place? she asked me.

-Well, there are different reasons the first one is that you and I love winter ,second is beacuse well you were supposed to be born in winter instead of summer, third beacause of your mom and her winter tales amd four beacuse you look lovely with winter colors.

-You do actually pay attention to the things

I say.

-Are you surprised?

-A little. she smiled,she looked beautiful.

I graved her hand cold but beautiful and tiny.

-Hey,snowflake you remember that amazing girl I talked about?


-Well,she should arrive at any minute now I think you should go.

-Yeah I wouldn't want to mess up things.

-I was just kidding snowflake,you know there is no one else.

-There is no one else right now but what about a year from now? she looked serious now.

-There is no other now,no other tomorrow, no other 4 years from now,It's you forever,It has to be.

-Why does it has to be?

-Beacuse I love you and I mean it.

-I love you too Jack Frost.

I kissed her, beacuse she was Elsa and she was gorgeous and she was it. The only one.


We finished dinner and I drove Elsa back home,it was a little cold but it was okey.

-Thanks for everything Jack. she said

-Oh,it was nothing I can pay for your dinner any time and it will be my honor.

-No,I mean for everything, no one would ever fight as hard for me as you did.

-It was worth it  no matter how many times you said my last name wrong.

-Haha shut up Ice.

-Oh really you want to get it started snowflake?

-Yes I do.

- Oh no you don't ,I'm going to tickle you.

-You are driving.

-So? I reached her abdomen ams started to move my fingers.

-Stop it.

-We are going to have a little fun instead.

I was too disrtacted looking at Elsa that I didn't realize what was happening.

-Jack look out!she said there was a car I didn't see before I tried to move out the way but the moon was reflecting me right in the eyes. I don't know what happend next but my car was in a pond going under.I saw Elsa and I knew that if I didn't do something she would die,we would die, I unblocked her seatbelt and reached for the door, so she could float beacuse I knew she wold beacuse she had to go away floating and it wasn't until that moment I saw her go away that I realized the lack of oxygen so I unblocked my seat belt and tried to get out of the car but when I did it was too late beacuse my lungs were full with water and I was drowning  then darkness.

Jelsa at High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now