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I arrived home with a brightest smile I had ever had. Nothing I could think of made the smile go away. Really nothing . That kiss had been heaven to me. Nothing I had ever felt. His lips were soft. He was careful. He melt into that kiss nothing like James who just kissed me every time he could. Compared to Jack he was a terrible kisser. No wait I can't fall in love with him! I have James. He has Tooth. And we are not going to happened .

-Elsa! you are back! said Anna
-Yes I am
-And you are... wearing his hoodie? said Punzie
-Oh no girls is not what you think.
-Then what is it? asked Punzie
-It's true love. said Anna
-Oh Anna what do you know about true love.
-You would be amazed actually, and it is because I know you and I know you would have rejected that hoodie. But you didn't.
-Well, it was cold outside.
-You don't care about cold actually you love it. So don't try to fool me. said Punzie
-Oh I know. True love will thraw a frozen heart! omg he kisses you! said Anna.
-No! Anna. Punize.Stop it. I went there apologized. Nothing happened. Okey?

I went to my room. And shut everyone out. Except one person. Jack he was always on my mind I couldn't forget that fucking kiss. Why it was so magical?Why was he so gorgeous? Why can't we be together? Why can't I shut him out?I was so confused and Shit! I was still wearing his hoodie that is why I couldn't get him out of my head! I toke it off and felt as if a part of me had been ripped off. I felt so cold suddenly the world seemed an eternal winter and I was the queen.

I got a text from ... James.
J: Hey sugar I just listen to this song and I know it sounds a bit cheesy but I dedicate this one to you.

J: He sent a voice message. He started singing:
She's got her mommy's ambition
She wants to see the world
Never relied on no one

But she's daddy's little girl...
And she stands tall.

Somewhere between a sinner
Not quite a saint
She'll make you feel like somebody
She'll take your breath away....
But that's not all
No that's not all.....

She laughs like I wish I could
And she's pretty when she cries
She can stop me dead with one good look
Just to get caught up in those eyes
She's everything that's beautiful
Everything that's good in this world
Boy I love this girl...

If you want to hear to the rest of the song it's called Love this girl by Stars Go Dim. Love you baby.

E: I love you sweetheart. See you tomorrow at school. Btw you have an amazing voice.

I had to get back to my life. I had to say goodbye to Jack. James is my life right now and I got to stick to it. Riht now!

I saw Jack hoodie and well, it was cold so I putted on and slept with it. I never slept better in my whole life.

Jelsa at High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now