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It was Jack's funeral today, it was my fucking best friend funeral today! This wasn't supposed to happened I was supposed to die first I had fucking cancer I was going to die but now he is the one dead, there I said it he was gone and me and Elsa were left alone. Elsa got it the worst, I don't blame her but still she was so torn apart last time I saw her I remember the conversation perfectly. I walked into the room and Elsa was in her bed she was a mess,I think she hadn't brushed her hair in months.

-Elsa you got to eat Okey? I said

- I try to but I can't it's too sad.

-He wouldn't want for you to waste your life like this, specially after he saved it.

-Wait what? She didn't have any idea.

-Elsa you always put your seatbelt on, the car was a the bottom of the pond, you were out, Jack was the only one in the car, who do you think got you out of there?

-You just made this whole thing worse. She started crying.

-That's exactly why I need you to be strong I need you to move on.

-I will, for him.

-Hey the funeral is next week and his parents want for you to say something.

-I will.

Then I got out of her room so she could be alone.


This was it. We were at the funeral, I spot Elsa on the other side she looked pretty, all in black She finally brushed her hair. I didn't knew why we had to make this in a church he didn't believe in god he believed in the moon this was stupid. It was time for us to say our monologues. I was first.

-Jack Frost was the most caring person I had ever known, he will always help the ones in more trouble, He will always wear that smile that make you know it was going to be alright, eventually, he wasn't the brightest kid but that was alright he will always figure it out. He was more than my best friend, he was my brother. I knew that little peasant all my life or well, what ever I remember of it and I knew it would have been empty with out him, now I face the greatest challenge of them all, to live without him, to prosper, go move on,I will never get over Jack I know that but depression is a sickness and as Jack once said to me I won't let my sickness become me.

That was it I started to tear because this is it. Now it was Elsa's turn.

-Thanks Hiccup for your lovely words.

-Most of you know Jack as a lovely handsome kid, but he wasn't he was the most annoying guy I had ever met, and every time I saw him I wanted to punch him in the face. Now I know he didn't do all those things to annoy me he did them for me to like him..the real him , he was a lovely and handsome boy alright. But he was also a pain in the ass, my pain in the ass, I know we are not supposed to say bad words in a church but I also know this would be the way he wanted it.This.His funeral I mean, All this days I have never wanted to say that Jack Frost Overland Dreamworks was dead because it will make it real, and now that I just said it,It has become real for me, but it is also real the fact that I am here and that he saved me. Jack died a hero, but he was always a hero saving people from their misery, I knew that every time he came and put me out of my misery. He sacrificed himself for me, now that is something I will never be able to repay you Jack, because you gave me my life but in return you had to give yours up because you loved me more than yourself and I would have probably done the same for you, because I love you still, in fact I will never stop loving you but that's Okey, a little pain won't do me any bad not meanwhile I have a little fun sometimes.

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