Chapter 6

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*********zayns point of view*********
I was about to fall asleep when I got thirsty so I was about to go downstairs when I got pushed down the stairs. Then I seen someone being pushed down so I rolled out of the way that's when I see that Harry was the one who was pushed down the stairs.

"What are you doing here"

"I came to take bosses kid back home that's what I'm doing"


"Yes boss now give me Perrie and no one will be hurt"

"Never" after I said that I started to punch him then he started to punch me.

*********Nialls point of view*********
They where punching eachother and where throwing things at eachother I was about to go down and stop them that's when I seen a sleepy perrie and I told her what's going on and I told her to lock herself in the bathroom and to lock the door and she did. I went downstairs to stop them.

"Go protect her Niall" Zayn yelled

"Ok" I said and walked quietly up stairs and I hid close to the bathroom and that's when I heard Zayns voice and then someone come running up the stairs and it was Zayn. He tried to open it but she locked like I told her to. Right as Zayn was about to say something he turned and Harry hit him with a glass bottle and he kicked it open. I jumped on his back and I covered his eyes and he stumbled back and he fell on me and Zayn got up and hit him where the sun doesn't shine and went into the bathroom to get Perrie while I pushed Harry off of me.

*********zayns point of view*********
I walked into the bathroom and I picked up Perrie bridal stile and I gently layed her down on the bed.

"What happened" I asked Niall

"She probably passed out due to being so scared"

"Probably now help me get him out of here"

"Ok" he said and we both took him out of the room and threw him down the stairs and walked down then we threw I'm inside of the garbage can and walked back inside.

"You can go back to bed I'm going to check on Perrie" I told Niall

"Ok" he said and walked into his room and I walked to Perrie and she was awake.

"Are you ok" I asked her and she looked at me and pulled me down into a hug.

"Yes but are you ok what happened downstairs"

"I'm ok and it was Harry he works for your dad and he tried to take you away"

"What why"

"I don't now babe just go back to sleep if you want I can have Niall come in here and we can all share this big bed"

"Ok yes I want to shair I don't want to be alone im so scared"

"Ok" I said and got Niall and we all shared the bed.

********Harrys point of view*********
I woke up tied down to a chair and an angery boss.

"What happened where's my daughter"

"I found her but Zayn won't let me get her not without a fight"

"Then you kill Zayn and get my daughter"

"Ok I will get her"

"Good you better because your life depends on it"

"Ok" I said and he untied me and I got up and I walked to my room and I got everything ready.

********Perries Point Of View********
I woke up and Zayn and Niall weren't there so they must be downstairs I look next to me and there was a phone with a sticky note on it and it said "I am giving you your old phone back don't abuse the privilege" I smiled and I grabbed it and there was a text from an unknown number.

"Hello princess I will get you just now that."
"Zayn can't save you forever"
Oh no I ran down stairs and I gave Zayn my phone and he read them.

"That son of a bitch I'm going to kill him if he even toughes you" Zayn yelled and broke my phone.

"There now he will have to find out your new number" he said handing me a new phone and I smiled and gave him a hug.

"Thank you"

"Your welcome baby" he said and gave me a kiss on my forehead and walked to the livingroom and I grabbed the eggs that where on the counter and took them to the livingroom and sat down and ate them while we all watched cartoons like we do every morning.

"Are we ever going to go back to school not that I don't mind being home all day" I asked Zayn

"I don't know probably not expecially with Harry and your dad after you I want to keep you safe here maybe when they aren't after you anymore we could"

"Ok" I said and we watched more cartoons. Honestly I didn't want to go back to school I am just to scared to be here like would if they do get me what will my dad do to me what would Harry do to me. Or would if Zayn gets drunk and starts to beat me or try to rape me. Or what would happen if my dad tries to kill Zayn or me. All these thing where going through my mind that I didn't notice I was crying let alone Zayn and Niall trying to get my attention.

"What" I asked them

"Why are you crying what are you thinking of please tell me you are worring me" Zayn said

"It's nothing"

"If it was nothing then you wouldn't be crying now please tell me what's wrong love"

"Nothing just thinking of things that I now will never happen and it's a good thing that they will never happen"

"Ok you promise that there isnt anything  wrong babe"

"Yes babe I promise thats there nothing wrong" I said and he nodded and went back to watching cartoons.

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