Chapter 35

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*********perries point of view*********
*********a few months later***********
Today we go in to the doctors to check up on our baby. We decided that we wanted our baby to be a surprise. Carter went off to collage a few weeks ago. He is bummed out that his girlfriend Shyanna and him are going to two different schools but they are doing grate with the long distance relationship.

*******a few more months later*******
********perrie is still pregnant********
Shyanna came to visit Carter but he was still in college so she decided to surprise him. Zayn, the kids and I went to pick him up from the airport. On our way back Carter noticed that he forgot a back so we turned around. We heard a loud crash and every thing went black.

******third person point of view*******
The whole Malik family was in a very horrible car crash. They where driving over a bridge and another car slammed them into a railing so hard that there car fell off the bridge and onto a gasoline truck exploding emedietly.

~~~~~~~~~~~~flash back~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*********Shyannas point of view*******
I got home and waited for my mom Gigi to come home.

"Mom you where right Zayn and you are perfect for eachother. So will you go to heaven if I kill him and send him to you? Ok mom he will be on his way" I said and went to my room to plot how I was going to kill Zayn and keep Carter alive so that I can keep him for my self.
So I waited until they left to pick up Carter and when I seen there car I pushed then off of the bridge and drove off as fast as I could so that I can be away from the crash and so that i didn't go to jail.

~~~~~~~~~~~~flash back~~~~~~~~~~~~~
***********Shyannas past*************
*******third person point of view******
Gigi was 16 when she found out that she was pregnant with Shyanna. Gigi didn't want anyone to now so she kept Shyanna in her house and made others go get baby stuff for Shyanna. When Shy(Shyanna)  had to go to school she did home school for her. Gigi wanted to have Zayn for her self when she seen how gentle he was with kids.

*************back to now*************
*******guess who's point of view******
***before I tell you guys who it is next time you see bold letters tell me who you think it is*** :)
I forgot to put on my seatbelt so when my whole family went flying down to there death I flew out if the window. I landed safely in water that was next to the freeway. I watched as my entire family went up in flames, and cops, many cops showed up and I watched them load my family into many ambulances and took them away.

***who do you think is the o only Malik alive***

***I hope you guys said who you think it is and not some cheaters***

***if you guessed Carter then you are correct***sorry anyway back to the story

*******carters point of view***********
I walked to the airport since it was a few miles away and called an Uber home. I fixed up my cuts and scratches and called Shy since she nows how to cheer me up.

"What the fuck do you want I am busy talking to my mother and I just killed the whole Malik family and my boyfriend what could be so cruel that you have to tell me on my boyfriends phone"Shyanna yelled into the phone.

"You killed my entire family? How could you I watched them die, they burnt up in flames"

"Carter? "

"Ya you stupid bitch I new you looked like Gigi and I will find you and I will kill you" I said and hung up the phone.

It took a few hours but I found Shyanna and I took dads shot gun and killed her just like mom killed Gigi. The harder part was that she got a good shot right below my heart. So after I killed her I new I was going to die.

******third persons point of view******
The whole malik family all died together, and now the whole hadided (I have no idea how to spell her stupid last name)  family is dead. The baby that Perrie  carried started to die slowly in the womb but a hard hit to the steering wheel killed it instantly,  the test died fast but not fast enough.

***thank you all for reading don't tell anyone. It was fun righting this story. Thank you guys for reading this story and sticking with me threw the slow updates. And sorry it had to end sad but I wanted to show that not all storys end happily and you can be a princess/prince and not have a happy ending*** :)

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