Chapter 7

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*********zayns point of view*********
I was laying down when my phone went off.

"Hello" I said

"Hello is this Zayn Malik"

"Yes whos calling"

"The hospital your grandma is here and she wants you and only you here"

"I'm on my way"

"Ok" then I hung up the phone and I quickly got dressed and I woke up Niall.

"Hey I need you to keep Perrie company and lay next to her for me"

"Ok" he said and I ran downstairs and left to the hospital. I got there and she was on the bed and the doctor came in.

"After you had been notified that she is here she slipped into coma"

"Oh" I said and I slumped into a chair and put my face inside my hands.

*********perries point of view********
I was asleep and I felt Zayn get up then a few moments he came back he must have went to the bathroom. I felt him get up again and then I felt him carry me downstairs and he took me outside and it was really cold so I cuddled into him and he put me in the car and buckled me up then my door closed then I heard a door open then close so now he is in the car then another door opened and closed Niall must be going to where ever we are going as well.

*******Harry's point of view*********
Me and my left hand Larry walked into the house whitch was easy since Zayn left the door open a crack. We walk up stairs and Niall must have heard us because he walked out into the hallway and Larry put clorphome over his nose and down he goes. I walk into the room and I grabbed Perrie and we walked out side and put her in the backseat and got in then Larry got in.

*********Nialls point of view*********
I heard something out in the hall after Zayn left and I went out to check and I seen a man and that's when everything went black. I woke up on the floor in the hallway I got up fast and ran into the room and Perrie was gone I ran all around the house and she wasn't there. THE CAMRAS. I ran to Zayns secret room that I helped him set up and I looked at the cameras and Harry got into the house and kidnapped her and his left had man nocked me out and they left me there but left with Perrie. What the hell am I going to tell Zayn. Right then he walked through the door and he looked sad.

"Hey man what's wrong" I asked him

"My grandma is in coma"

"Oh no" I said and looked up with my hands on my face.


"Harry and his left hand man kidnapped Perrie and the nocked me out"

"THOSE SONS OF BITCHES" he said as he ran up stairs.

********perries point of view********
I woke up at my dad's house.SHIT. I started to open my window so I can get out of this hell.

"I wouldn't do that" I turned around and Harry was there.

"And why not"

"Because your dad is not that far and he is ready to grab you and punish you." He was right I will just escape tonight if Zayn doesn't get here before then.

"Good girl now there is food waiting for you." I walked downstairs and I ate what they gave me and that's when I realized that we are in a different place.

"Where are we"

"We are at a place that isn't easy to find or escape that's where"

"Ugh this isn't poisoned is it"

"Yes we kidnapped you just to kill you, no its not poisoned just eat it" I sat down and I ate the eggs a little while later my dad walked in.

"Well would you look at that my sweet daughter is awake"

"Ya not for long I'm going back to my room I don't want to be here" I said and went up to my room and locked it I opend my closet and it was full of slutty dresses. Harry must have chosen my clothes. I started to get ready to leave. After all the lights went out I opend my window and I started to run I ran for a good half a mile until I tripped and someone grabbed me.

"Where do you think you are going princess" I heard Harry say as he put a cloth over my mouth and I passed out.
I woke up chained to the wall naked.

"You thought you could escape my daughter but you can't" he said and he whipped me

"I will leave I won't be here for long" I said and he whipped me again and again until he whipped me 50 times then he let me down and picked me up and he put me in a tub of acohal. Then he picked me back up and threw me down and whipped me somemore.

"Did you learn your lesson yet I hope so" then he picked me up and put me in the acohal again then he threw me a cross the room then heleft me there. I was naked and he left me downstairs in the basement wet it was very cold and I was alone.

*********Harrys point of view********
Boss man walked upstairs and I stood up.

"I have a job for you tomorrow"

"What is it boss"

"I have to go and make sure my deliverys are good and you have to watch my daughter you have full control over her if you want to have sex with her do it do whatever you want to her"

"Yes boss" I said and he left I locked the basement door then I went upstairs and went to my room. I got changed into my most comfortable pj's which is in my boxers and I layed down.

"Tomorrow is going to be a very fun day" I said to myself and I fell asleep.

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