Chapter 12

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*********perries point of view********
***********one year later************
I just put Carter to bed and now I am waiting for Zayn, Harry, and Niall to come back home from guys night. About an hour past midnight they all came home Harry quietly skipped upstairs and Niall walked upstairs and Zayn pushed me against the wall and started kissing me I didn't want anything bad to happen so I kissed him back. His hand went down my chest and into my panties and he started rubbing my clit then he started kissing my neck while he put two fingers inside of me. He picked me up and layed me down on the couch and he took his shirt and pants off then he took my panties off and started fingering me again while also rubbing my clit. I started moaning really loud so Zayn leand forward.

"Shhhh babygirl you are going to wake up the baby" he said and I nodded my head. He pulled his fingers out and he put his cock inside of me and waited for me to adjust then he started again he kept going and going faster and faster he had his hand on my mouth and he was sucking on my neck until we both cumed. He picked up our clothes then he put them on top of me then he carried me bridal stile upstairs. I threw our clothes on the floor and I put the covers on me and Zayn went around the bed and layed next to me. I woke up to Carter crying so I put on panties and a loose shirt since I thought he was hungry. I walk into his room and picked him up and I sat down in the rocking chair and I gave time some milk. When he was done I put my boob away and I started to burp him when I heard pounding  on the front door I turn and Niall and Harry come running in the room and they close the door.

"What is going on and where is Zayn" I asked them

"Gigi is downstairs and wants Carter and Zayn and wants to kill you" Harry said

"And we told that little boy that we will protect him no matter what" Niall said. I layed Carter down and went over to his closet I put on the sweets that I had in there and lifted a trap door type thing. I seen gigi coming up stairs.

"Ok I am grabbing Carter and I'm going to make a run for it I need you guys to protect the door like we are in here ok" I said quickly and the nodded I grabbed Carter and I put him in a baby chest holder thing and went threw the hole and went into the livingroom and I untied Zayn and I pulled him up and he woke up so I mouth 'let's go' to him and we started to leave.

"Not so fast you two aren't going anywhere" gigi said

"Yes they are" Zayn said and mouthed 'run' and I grabbed car keys and ran with Carter. I put a seat belt on over the both of us and I drove off I parked in a parking lot and I put Carter in his carseat and I took of the chest thing off and went to the hotel a cross the street from the police station. I got a one bedroom Hotel with a baby crib. I layed him down and I turned off the location on my phone.

"Hey babe I am ok I got away from gigi and I'm in a car you ok" Zayn said calling me on his phone and I heard gigi giggle in the background

"Yes I'm safe I'm at the police station in a safe room" I said and in the background I heard 'shit' I'm guessing gigi didn't like that. "Sorry gigi I'm not telling you where I am" I continued.

"I will kill you and I will have Carter as my own child, Orr maybe I will kidnap you both and keep Carter as my own and keep you as my slave"

"You won't get near my son ever bitch" I said and hung up the phone and I thew it in anger and I slammed myself against the wall and I started crying. I missed Zayn and I hope he is ok I just want him to tell me it's ok and it will be ok and not to worry.

"Ma ma" I heard Carter say those are his first words I got up and I walked over to him.

"Ma ma is right here and I will never leave you and I will never let that evil witch get you baby" I said while I played with his little hands. I was about to pick him up when my phone started buzzing so I went and picked it up.

"Hello" I said

"Hey its Niall did you go to that place I told you about"

"Yes why are you talking in code"

"Because the bitch is listening to me but don't worry I won't tell her where you are 'tell me now'" I heard gigis voice in the background. "Never" I heard naill yell then I heard a smack.

"You leave him alone bitch he didn't do anything and don't worry Niall I can't stay here long I'm about to leave so I will be safe"

"Ok" heard before the call ended I look over at Carter who is sitting on the bed playing with Zayns shirt and giggling at it. I was so proud of Carter that he can now sit up all by himself and Zayn helped him learn to walk and I helped him crowl he is getting so big and he is still so adorable. He needs to stop growing he is getting to big. Maybe I should wright him a baby book so when he is all grown up and he has his own kids he can read the book to them.

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