Chapter 17

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********perries point of view*********
I woke up in Zayns arms after a whole year and it felt nice to have his arms around me and to feel safe. Today is Alexas birthday she is turning 2 and next month Carter is turing 3 they are getting so big. Zayns arms pulled me into his chest and I rolled over so that I am facing him and he smiles. He starts to kiss me passionately. He rolls ontop of me and he puts his hand on my side and he puts it under my shirt and he takes ok my shirt and he takes off his shorts and boxer then he takes off my panties. He puts his cock inside of me and he starts to go while he is sucking on my neck. I started to moan forgetting that we have a kid next to our room. He starts to go faster but not to fast we wanted it to last a little longer. I came then he came then he layed down next to me and he held me.

"That is the best sex ever" he said and kissed my on my forehead.

"Yes it was babe" I said

"Let's go take a shower" he said and we got up and got in the shower. He was holding me and he started sucking randomly on my neck. We got out after a while and I went into Carters room and I held his hand as we went downstairs. I put him in his highchair and Zayn put Alexas in hers.

"Mommy was that on your neck" Carter asked.

"What do you mean baby" I asked him.

"Daddy look" Carter said and Zayn walked around over to him and looked.

"Those are love kisses that only I can give here" Zayn told him then he gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"Woww daddy that's weally tool"
Carter said then he started eating his food that Harry wanted to make for us. Then he and Niall sat down and we all ate our one big family is all back together.
I was in the backyard and I made a small little birthday for Alexas I invited our nice neighbors over to the party and they did Alexas little smile never really left her face. It was time for cake so I put her in her highchair and she started eating her cake until there was a gun shot and everything went silent i look around and gigi was in the tree house that's in my yard. I ran up there and I threw her out of the tree house. Then I got down and I seen the back of my babygirl head was shot and I am so glad that the neighbors never came. I was sad and pissed off so I ran over to gigi and I started to punch her. Zayn walked over to me with tears in his eyes two Niall took Carter upstairs and kept him occupied. Zayn pulled me off of gigi and he held me.

"I have an idea" I said and grabbed gigi by her hair and I pulled her into the house then I threw her down into the basement and I walked down there and I chained her to the wall and I grabbed a whip and I whipped everywhere then I put alcohal into spray bottle and I sprayed her.

"You bitch will you stop" she yelled.

"No you killed my daughter you bitch" I yelled then I whipped her even more then I dumped a whole bottle of alcohal all over her and she screamed in pain. I went up stairs and I got Zayn and he started whipping her then he put more alcohal all over her then we walked up stairs and we closed and locked the door.

"Hey I called the cops and they are almost here I told them that we don't now who did it but the gun is still here" Harry told us.

"Ok thank you Harry" I said and the cops arrived and they did there thing and the ambulance took Alexas away and the cops came back in.

"The finger prints have been taken and we will find out who killed your daughter and they will be charged for manslaughter." The officer told us and I was crying in Zayns arms and they left. I went back downstairs and I whipped her somemore then I put rubbing alcohol all over her then I went up stairs and locked the basement door and I went upstairs and told Niall to go downstairs so that I could talk to Carter. After I told him he started to cry and I held him and I layed down and we both cried ourselves to sleep on the floor.

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