Chapter 16

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*******perries point of view**********
I woke up in Zayns arms and I felt so comfortable but I really need to pee so I got up and I went to the bathroom and when I got back Zayn was awake and he was sitting up.

"Goodmoring beautiful" he said in a husky voice.

"Goodmoring" I said as I cuddled up next to him. We stayed like that for a while.

"Are you hungry princess"


"What do you want"


"Do you want pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, and coffee."

"Yes" I said and we walked downstairs and I open the freezer and there was chocolate so I grabbed it out and I started to eat it. Zayn cooked the food and I sat them on four plates so that we can all eat. Niall came down holding Carter and he sat him down in his highchair and Carter started giggling. We all ate and we where talking and talkind.

"Me and Harry got Alexas room done it looks soo pretty." Niall told us.

"Really thank you guys" I said as I seen the room."

I went downstairs and I went out to check the mail when a white van came by and pulled me in then everything went all black

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I went downstairs and I went out to check the mail when a white van came by and pulled me in then everything went all black.
I woke up back at the place I just left last night at gigis house.

"What do you want with me gigi"

"I want your baby" she said coming around the corner.

"You will never have her"

"So it's a little girl now I'm definitely going to keep her."

"No you won't I would rather die then let you have her."

"I will have her because now I have gards at every exit" she said and walked away. I stood up and walked upstairs and I sat down on the couch.

*******zayns point of view***********
I got out of the shower and I got dressed and I walked downstairs. Niall and Harry where freaking out.

"What is going on" I asked them.

"Perrie went out to check the mail on hour ago and she dissaperd." Niall said panicking

"WHAT" I yelled and I started paceing back and forth. Then the phone rang and I picked it up.

"Hello" I said to the phone.

"Hi baby its me Perrie, gigi has me again but if you try to save me she is going to kill me and our baby" perries voice said

"So you just want me to stay away and not worry about you and her I can't do that I will find you Perrie and I will save you again." She didn't say anything but I heard a whip crack and a scream.

"If you want to see her again you will stay away" gigis voice said then the line went dead. I felt a tear fall down my face Perrie the love of my life is gone and I can't help her. The memorys of what I did to her and how I treated her all came into my head and another tear fell from my eyes after what I did to her she still stayed with me. I felt arms around me it was Niall and Harry holding me.

"It will be ok we got this we have a secret spy over there watching her and making sure shes ok and Perrie will now about him soon" Niall said.

"Ok thank you guys" I told them and I went out for a run to blow off steam.

********perries point of view*********
It's been a month and I'm due for labor in any moment. I started to fell pain on my lower stomach and the nurse that has been taking care of me told me that I was going into labor and she told me to push. After an hour Alexas Malik came out.

The nurse handed her to me and gigi and the nice gard came in and gigi took her out of my hands

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The nurse handed her to me and gigi and the nice gard came in and gigi took her out of my hands.

"Alexas looks beautiful congratulations I'm sorry about how she treats you when she's not around and you and Alexas is her I will take you and her to a safe location ok don't worry" he told me then left I felt good nowing that I'm going to get out of here.

It's been a month and gigi left to get some food and I have Alexas in my arms and the gard Blade came over and he sat me in a car and we drove to a hotel that gigi will never look.

*******zayns point of view***********
I was watching TV in my livingroom and I haven't seen perrie or Alexas for a year Carter is now 2 and he misses Perrie. I heard a nock on the door and perrie was right there holding Alexas.

"Da da" she said and reached for me and I took her from perrie and Carter came walking around the corner.

"Mommy" he said and ran to her Perrie picked him up with tears in her eyes and us four had a huge group hug and few tears fell down my cheek as well.

********perries point of view*********
It's been a year and I haven't seen Zayn and Blade said that I can see him I nock on the door and Alexas said her first word and I handed her to Zayn I was about to ask where Carter was but he yelled Mommy and ran over to me I was so happy a tear fell down my cheek and I picked him up and Zayn pulled us into a hug and Harry and Niall came down the stairs and we all had a huge group hug.

"Thank you blade for helping her" Niall told him.

"It my pleasure" blade said and left I told the boys what all happened I told them that a month after she was born Blade saved me and he didn't want to bring me here and she was watching so he kept me safe in a hotel for a year and I told them that da da was her first word and that tomorrow is her first birthday.

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