Chapter 27

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*****perries point of view*****
I woke up and went to check on the kids and they where sitting on the couch watching TV while Jesy was in the kitchen cooking so I walk in there with her.

"How old are they" she asked.

"Carter is 18, Isabella and Carson are 11" I said.

"Awwe that's cute do u plan on having another one."

"Probably not since Zayn is blinde to the fact that I am is fiancé and is fucking Gigi."

"That asshole"

"But it's fine because I have my children"

"That's true" she said and my phone started to ring.

"Hello" I said.

"Hello where are you and my children at" a girl with a disgusting voice said over the phone.

"I am in a safe place with MY children and who is this."

"It's gigi and they are my children"

"I carried them for 9 months and I take care of them meaning they are my children bitch" I said then I hung up the phone. A few moments later my phone rings and it's Zayn.

"Hello" I said.

"Where are you" he said.

"Why do you care you have gigi"

"I want you and my children you are my fiancé and the mother to my children that's why I care"

"Well to bad create more children with her" I said then hung up the phone. Jesy looked at it then put it in the blender and turned it on.

"What the hell Jesy" I yelled.

"We will get you a new one I don't want them calling you" she said.
"Breakfast is done kids" she yelled to them and we all ate breakfast together.  I went to the bathroom and took a shower and put on a really cute outfit then went downstairs.

"Carter will you watch them we will be back in about an hour" I said and he nodded. Jesy and I left and went to the store and got me a new phone. We went to the car but she forgot something so she went to get it while I waited in the car. I heard a baby cry so I got out of the car and seen a stroller just sitting there behind the car so I went over to it. Just as I was about to look into the stroller when everything went black.

"I have you now perrie" a man's voice said. A while later I woke up and I was tied up to a chair and a cloth was tied around my mouth and my eyes where covered.

"Goodmoring perrie" a man said and took off my blindfold. I looked at him and I seen niall and jade. My eyes opened wide at seening my two bestfriends.

"You seem surprised perrie" Jade said then took off the cloth that was around my mouth.

"Why did you do this" I said.

"You have Zayns kids where are they" Niall said.

"Why would I tell you when you will give them to Zayn"

"Because I am your best friend" jade said.

"You guys are crazy" I said." I will never tell you" I said so they put the blind fold back on along with the cloth. 

********gigis point of view*******
Niall and Jade are now brain washed and are on there way to get my children back. Zayn must not now because if he did he would get very mad. It will take a few days but that gives me enough time to convince Zayn to get me pregnant.

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