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"Yes for god's sake I'll get it done." A man snapped at the woman who's on the other line. The dim sun reflected off his shades that rested on the bridge of his nose, before quickly pushing them up to cover his eyes better. "Yes, of course." His tone changed into a seductive voice, as he straightens out his back; his suit moving with the wind. "See you later." He hung up by pressing a button on his shades.

The wind was soft and the man ran a hand through his dark brown hair before a sigh left his lips. Clearly showing a face of distress, his shoes tapped against the sidewalk as he passed through Central Park.

"I just want to make out with Pepper.." he whined before hearing a shout behind him.

"Touch me again and you'll find yourself on the ground!" The voice was feminine and young. He turned his head stopping in his tracks to see a teenage girl with the tip of her finger dug into another teenager's chest, a male with darker skin and had a few more boys by his side.

The darker skinned kid laughed at her and pushed her away, and she tumbled backwards onto the ground. Her hands meeting the green grass underneath. The boy who pushed her looked surprised that she fell, obviously not purposely trying to hurt her. His head turned slightly to see his friends laughing at the young girl, who's long brown hair covered the side of her face.

He shook it off and started laughing with them and one of them hovered above her from behind, taking advantage of her position. Her arms out on the ground in front of her and on her knees.

"Did you go into this position on purpose? What a slut, but I wouldn't mind having some fun with you." He leaned down and played with her hair.

"Hey!" The man turned on his heels towards the group quickly, and his blood boiled. Disrespect towards women was something he deeply hated. The group looked at him and the girl noticed the boy above her not paying attention. She turned quickly around before punching him where the sun doesn't shine.

He grunted out in pain as the girl got up and backed away. The man met her side and held out his hand gesturing them to back away.

"You're going to turn around before this gets bad, and I mean real bad." He threatened.

"Shit is that Tony Stark?" The dark skinned kid backed off.

"The one and only." Tony smirked, "Now proceed to leave." He said as the three boys trotted off.

Tony turned his head pleased with himself, his eyes locked onto the girl's and she looked down avoiding eye contact. "Thank you Mr. Stark, but I was perfectly fine and I could have handled that."

"Then why didn't you?" He cocked up an eyebrow and she didn't dare to look up, ignoring his question.

"Sorry, but it's late and my parents are waiting for me." She said softly, "Goodnight Mr. Stark, and thank you again."  She moved some hair behind her ear and began to walk off, but Tony grabbed her arm and she made eye contact.

Her bright blue eyes were the first thing you'd notice and they were beautiful. It immediately reminded Tony of a lake, on a warm sunny afternoon. The color blue wasn't an ocean blue, but it was a soft color that was almost like a diamond. It was rare to see such a color on the iris.

"You're very familiar." Tony narrows his eyes. "Swear I know you..."

The girl jerked out of his grasp and let out a stern tone, "Apologizes Mr. Stark, but I believe you've mistaken me for someone else. Perhaps you can't see well through shades when it's getting dark out."

Tony lifted his shades, "Nope, you're still familiar." He inspected her face some more, "what's your name?"

She sighed, "Riley."

"Full name."

"Riley Elizabeth Hunter." She answered as if it poisoned her doing so.

"Hm, maybe I don't know you." Tony put his shades back down, "You're acting rather calm around Iron Man, aka me. You sure you don't want an autograph? Maybe a hug? You look like you could use a hug. Imagine bragging that to your friends."

"If I had any..." The girl mumbled.


"Nothing, thanks but no. I don't need an autograph from someone who no other than a person like me so it doesn't even matter. Can I go now?" She turned her body a bit, hinting she wanted to leave.

"Fine, go on."

"Thanks."  She began to walk away and Tony watched her carefully.

When she was barely visible, Tony pressed his finger to his ear before speaking.

"Let Fury know that I found her."

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