Chapter 7

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Tossing and turning was all I was doing last night, especially after last night's conversation. It's just not comforting when you know a dangerous group that was shutdown decades ago turns out to still be active and running all dandy and happens to want me dead. Or they don't want me dead... they want to do something much worse than death.

Or both.

The thoughts would race in my head in an endless loop. Was I going to die?

I'd give anything to be back with my parents, to school and being the good parents they were to me. I guess thinking about them just poked the hole in my heart that was punctured the moment I saw them die, because I felt tears travel down slowly towards the neck. Makes me glad they got my vape for me.

I took a drag on it and blew out the vape through my nostrils. I relaxed me as I used the back of my hand to wipe away the tears. A knock sounds from my door and I sniffle regathering myself before clearing my throat.

"Come in." I say as I wiped my face in case of tears that slipped. The door opened and Tony stepped in. I scowled at him, his presence has bothered me ever since he said he didn't care about me for two days in a row. That I mean nothing and all I am is a job that needs to be completed.

It's like an ornament on a tree, one that is rounded and different from the rest. It has less meaning to you and you don't care if it rocks off the tree and shatters into pieces. You shrug it off seeing the broken glass, and brush it away. You don't bother to try to fix it, you neglect it and leave it to rot.

I've been shattered, and Tony is someone who doesn't care that Im broken. And when this mission and job is over, he's tossing me aside to rot. He seems to be the type to purposely knock me off and let me fall.

"What do you want?" I look away and drag in more vape. Letting it sit in my lungs for a moment before blowing it towards Tony's direction who swatted the cloud away.

"Natasha and I have been talking about you. In case you're in the public eye and do something quote on quote heroic, you'll need a code name. If you're going to have publicity, it's something you need."

I groan, "One, I didn't ask for these powers. Two, why does it matter when people know who you are. And three, what do you mean 'quote on quote' heroic."

He rolls his eyes at my questions, "One, I don't care. Two, it matters when you're the one with HYDRA on your ass. And Three, you might screw something up trying to be heroic."

That's it.

I tossed my vape to the side and abruptly stood up. I stood across from him and yelled at the top of my lungs, "Tell me what the FUCK I've done to you Stark to act like a asshole to me! I'm sick of you treating me like a punching bag and a worthless piece of shit! I've already lost my parents, I got these powers suddenly and I had to save a woman's purse so HYDRA possibly saw me in the public eye so I got my parents killed, and you putting more on my shoulders is making It worse. STARK MAY I REPEAT I didn't ask for this! I just want my family back because they were all I had! Sure I almost screwed up with the boulder and the woman but I'm still a human being like you!" I started to break, sobs escaping my mouth and I looked down, "I want them back so badly and you're making it harder for me." I said lower.

My eyes met his to see a look id never expect to see from the Stark. A face of nothing but sympathy, and guilt. He rubbed his hand on the back of his neck and then shook his expression off. "Suck it up." Is all I heard before I heard footsteps out my door, and a click of my door closing. Cold even for a hero.

Why is he like this to me?

* * *

"I came to you because I don't want to see the fuckhead's face." I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at Natasha who seemed bothered by my profanity.

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