Chapter 32

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"so what? Way to stand up for yourself but you know what you are getting into. There were other ways you could have dealt with it without putting yourself in so much danger," Konkuro says as we sat on a vacant park bench during lunch. We were on the topic of me refusing to do work for the people I was "Indebted" to and I'm just now hearing their perspective. 

"You know what these people are capable of, you have seen what they can," Temari inputs. 

"Yes, I know. But It's been so long and I'm back in the place that I belong and I just want my life back. The assignments they've been giving me have been getting more and more dangerous and could potentially put my friends and others at risk," I reply. 

"You've done assignments that have put people at risk but that hasn't stopped you before and you usually find a way to avoid the risk," Gaara folds his arms. 

"That being so, I don't want to risk it now. There is the chance that I could mess up and something goes wrong and I can't allow that to happen. And, are you sure we should be talking about this in the open?" I hissed the last part. "Besides, I don't want to talk about this anymore. I haven't seen you guys in what seems like forever and I would rather spend our time catching up and talking about something positive rather than something negative. Okay?" 

"Alright, fair enough," Kankuro agrees. "How about Pizza and movies at your place and we can talk about a plan of action tomorrow at our place once we have settled in a little more." 

"That sounds fantastic," I sighed. 

I dug out another cough drop from my bag and popped it into my mouth. It was cherry flavored but with any medicine it left a tangy after taste. 


I looked over my shoulder to see who needed me and was met by Ino, Ten Ten and Naruto. 

"Hey guys!" I waved at them.

"We were just wondering why it was taking you so long to introduce us to your friends and why you decided to eat out here instead of with us. We could have pulled tables together and made some room," Ino said as the three of them joined our group. 

I rubbed the back of my neck, "Sorry, I just didn't want to overwhelm them and thought it would  be nice to catch some fresh air. It is their first day after all." 

"Understandable. Well I'm Ino my friend here is Ten Ten and this blonde idiot is Naruto, you'll meet the others soon enough." 

"Nice. I'm Konkuro and this is Gaara, Temari is our sister," Konkuro replied.

"Did I over hear you guys talking about pizza and movies?" Ten Ten asked. 

"Cuz we are so in," Ino inputs. 

"Can we order ramen too?" Naruto asks excitedly, licking his lips. 

"Yeah sure," Ino rolls her eyes," No offense, but your guys' apartment is rather small for all of us. So, Sakura after school you go and rest up and then after volleyball practice you all can come over to my place for some rest and relaxation. It could also be a small little welcoming party for our new found friends," 

"That sounds great but-" I start but Ino cuts me off.

"Great then it's settled. It's not exactly what we came over to talk to you guys about but we can get to that tonight. See you all later!" She pushes the others away, not giving us a chance to speak. 

"What. . .just happened?" Konkuro asks. 

"That's Ino for you," I sighed shaking my head, "and it looks like we are going to her house tonight. Now you guys can really meet the gang." 

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