New Grounds

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All day Dakota has been thinking about the white-haired girl. She couldn't focus at all, which was detrimental because sheknewthat she must have met her before even though for the life of her, she doesn't know how or why. Her mind flashed back to a moment in her first class. The white-haired girl got into an argument with Kirsten, the blond who rudely introduced her to the other girl. Kirsten had muttered something, and the white-haired girl tensed then jumped out from her chair, staring at Kirsten with contempt. Kirsten just smirked and the white-haired girl walked out of the room, leaving the teacher and students staring at her back with bewilderment. Thinking back on it now, Dakota swore that when the white-haired girl stared at Kirsten, her eyes flashed purple. She felt in her heart that she's seen them before.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!", Dakota heard. She snapped out of her thought process and noticed a dark-haired girl scowling at her.

"I'm sorry, what?", Dakota asked apologetically.

The girl scowled further," Figures, of course you weren't listening. You're the new girl, right?". Dakota nodded.

"That's what I thought, I'm here to take you to the principal's office". Dakota looked panic stricken.

"And before you get your panties in a bunch, it's just so the principal can get you situated with your room and stuff", the dark hair girl told her. Dakota gave a sigh of relief and nodded. She followed the girl through the hallway.

"So yeah, my name is Aaliyah, what's yours?".

"It's Dakota", she said quietly. Aaliyah's eyebrows rose, and she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"I swear to god if you're the "silent type" I wi-"

"Ms. Jenkins, I see you got Ms. Winters here alright", a gray-haired lady with blue eyes hidden behind thick glasses said. Dakota looked around and noticed that they were in front a small office. Aaliyah nodded at the lady and walked out of the door. The lady sighed, "I swear the kids these days have no manners", she said to Dakota. Dakota gave her a small smile and sat down in front of her. "Now, you have your schedule and everything correct?".

Dakota nodded and said, "Yes Ma'am".

"Please, It's Mrs. Kaben", the principal said, looking through the drawers in her desk until she found a certain slip of paper.

"Now normally, we don't get transfers after school starts, so it would have been hard to get you a room but luckily for you, we have an odd number of students this year.", Ms. Kaben said, looking at Dakota once more.

Said girl tilted her head in confusion, "This year?". The principal looked down and sighed. After a brief moment, her face smoothed over and she smiled once more.

"Yes, usually once a student attends this school, they stay all four years, but last year, a... student...transferred.".

Dakota's curiosity peaked, "Why?".

"Unknown reasons", the principal said carefully. "Anyway, it's weird to get a student who didn't attend this school since freshman year." Dakota nodded her head, noticing the principal's not so subtle change in subject.

"Well, your room number is 213", Ms. Jenkins said cheerfully, handing Dakota a key.

"Is... that it?".

"Yes. Right now, you have a twenty-minute break, which I suggest you use to check out your room and get situated, and then it will be lunch time. If you need anything, just drop by." Dakota nodded and told the principal goodbye, leaving the office. She found her room pretty quickly, and used the key to let herself in. It was a nice room, half of it was bare, while the other half had drawings and photographs all over the wall. She walked over to the drawings and inspected them. There were sketches of the ocean, trees and the stars. She skimmed over the pictures until she spotted one with a bunch of little kids posing in front of a park. She knew she's seen it somewhere before, so she got closer, and reached for the paper.

"Don't." Dakota flinched and turned around quickly to see the person who spoke. She locked eyes with the white-haired girl.

"Uh, Micah, right?", she said softly. The other girl nodded.

"So, I guess I'm your new roommate. It's nice meeting you.", Dakota tried again, sticking her hand out. Micah just glanced at the proffered hand, and then slowly nodded.

"So... Do you have any rules or something?", Dakota asked.

"Don't touch my stuff.", Micah said, and then she walked out of the room.

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