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A Great Big World ~ I Don't Wanna Love Somebody Else is this book's theme song

Go listen to it please. omg.

Amber's POV

I force myself to rise from this bed that I've been in for too long now. I've been indulged in my own world and atmosphere for far too long.

I've chosen to give Sasha to my mother for I could not bare the pain that came with every look at her. The memory of him handing Sasha to me for the first time is still very fresh in mind and continues to haunt me.

I stare into the dirty mirror and the image that is reflected back to me is almost horrifying. My body appears pale and my face drowned in deep bags and a few acne blotches.

My once vibrant hair and eyes are now dull. My blonde hair, dry and now fading back to its natural brown. My once exotic hazel eyes don't shimmer brightly like they use to.

I proceed to take a shower, using whatever shampoo, body wash and conditioner that happened to be laying about.

Little bits of Harry lay here and there. Mostly unimportant things that he just so happened to leave behind.

Once I'm dressed in my foremost attire, I attempt to cover the pain permanently imprinted on the skin of my face, with a ton of makeup.

I slid into a pair of nude heels and was soon out the door.

Harry told me that I wouldn't have to work because he would take care of me. He'd be everything that I needed.

Now, I am on my own.

To my surprise, Harry left his car with me. Its odd for him to do such a thing since he treasured it so much.

I fiddle with the small piece of paper that was left inside his white car. My fingers tracing over his beautiful cursive hand writing.

"Keep it." Simply read the small sticky note. I reattach it to the dashboard and type in the address to the office building and then pull out of the parking spot.

When I arrive to a rather large building in our downtown, I get out of the automobile, making sure to lock the doors.

My heels beat against the squeaky clean floors as I approach the elevator. The building's interior is a rose gold with creme colored trimmings. Very classic and elegant.

"What floor?" A guy whom looked to be in his late twenties asks.

"Oh, nine." I respond and his long finger presses the nine button.

"Same floor," He points out. "You are new here?" He questions after a long period of awkward silence.

"Hopefully." I breathe out the nerves. "I've got a job interview today."

"Yeah?" He extends his hand to me. "Josh Yunker."

"Amber Urns." I take his hand, firmly shaking it.

He has natural honey blondish hair and stunning sea blue eyes. His body is muscular built, his shoulder broad and poking through his suit.

The doors finally slide open and Josh allows me to exit first. I walk towards where I see a receptionist desk and I look back to see if he was following me but in fact he was going the opposite direction.

"Good luck." He says a little loud, glancing over his shoulder and I throw him a small smile.

"Hi, do you have a appointment?" The lady with red lipstick inquires.

"Yes, under the last name of Urns." I say and her manicured fingers scan through a booklet.

"Mr. Blake will be with you soon." She informs me and I nod taking a seat in one of the waiting chairs.


I'm out the building within a two hour period and I have a load of confidence set on my shoulders. I must say that my interview went very well. Mr. Blake said he would call me within the next few days to inform me of my employment status.

I cant explain how hard it was to put on a smile when deep inside I feel like complete and utter shit.

Have you ever felt like someone has reached inside your chest and yanked out your heart, twisted it and then put it back in, all mangled? I feel it. I feel it with every breathe I take.

I haven't consumed anything in a while, seeming as I cant even remember the last food that I ate.

Nor have I slept. I just laid there, swimming in the large bed that we once shared together. Its not the same sleeping without him. Its foreign to not have two pair of ripped arms encased around me.

I believe that I am still in the stage of shock and I haven't cried yet but just thinking about his absence causes tears to prick at corner of my eyes.

As I am walking over to the car, I spot someone who looks very familiar.

I know him. His tattoos are so distinct, I know it's him.

"Hey!" I shout, trying to cross the street and almost getting into a collusion with a moving car. I bound back onto the sidewalk and wait for the car to pass but not without the flip of a middle finger from the driver. I only frown before lightly jogging over to where he was walking.

"Hey! Wait up!" I yell and they turn around to gander at me but once they recognize who it is they whip around and stroll faster.

"Please." I whisper pushing to catch up to them.


Hi! So that's the beginning! Hope you liked it! :D I know it wasn't that good but it will get better. tee hee .x Sorry it was short!

Again thank you so much for staying with me throughout this entire story and being amazing fans of this book! The amount of reads on the first book is cray cray okay! Love you guys to death!

I imagine Josh as Garret Helund. (year 2010) & Mr. Blake as Bradley Cooper

So who she be seeing across the street!? hmm??

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