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Amber's POV

I'm home once again, after a long day of work. It's now summer and it has been a little over two months since I have started at Wage Works and about three since I've last seen Harry.

To push through these days I've been living off of Redbull -which I know is not the healthiest but it keeps me going- and a small bread roll here and there.

For a second in my life, I thought I was happy. I thought everything was going to be okay. But reality hits me every night when I am alone. It is like being stabbed in the back with a sharp jagged knife.

As the days go on, your pain is suppose to disintegrate, right? It is suppose to gradually disappear, yeah? 

The sickness that is left in the pit of my stomach only seems to grow with each hour spent without him. He leaves behind nothing but pure sadness and I am beginning to resent him. Hating him for his absence.

"God," I whisper quietly, slightly banging my head against the wall in grievance.

Josh has been very kind to me, kindness that I probably don't really deserve. He always is there for me, during the first month especially.

He was even generous enough to bring me breakfast yesterday and I gratefully took it. It was a small woven basket full of different types of finger sandwiches and exotic fruits.

He was sure to show me the ropes and rounds of the building. He explained to never bother Mr. Blake unless its a dire emergency.

"Okay." I mutter, trying to master up some confidence to actually call him.

I grab the land-line phone and dial his number. After a few rings, an his thick accent is heard through the phone.

"Hey," I say, picking at the dirt underneath my finger nails.

"Hey Amber! Whats up?" His voice is cheery like maybe he has been drinking a bit.

"I just .. uh, wanted to ask how you were doing." I stutter.

"I'm great, better than ever." Liam laughs and I can hear other people's voices in the background, maybe he is at a party.

"That's good, I .. Just by chance, do you know where Harry might be?" My fingers move to play with my bottom lip.

"Who?" He asks and I can tell he is moving away from the noise. "Oh, Harold? My main lad."

"Yeah. He sort of left a while ago and I just need to talk to him."

"Oh, yeah he isn't here." He responds and I know he thinks that I am asking if Harry was at this party Liam is at.

"Okay, do you know where he is then?" I continue to question, completely taking advantage of his tipsy state.

"I was told by him not to give any information to you." He says, slightly saddened.

"I know but-"

"He- Oi! Amber I'll call you later, I've got to go!" His Wolverhampton accent is loud and yelling over the chants of people shouting for someone to "chug"

"Wait Liam-" I attempt to get his attention but the phone line is canceled.

Louis wont help me and now Liam. I'm starting to run out of options.


When I awake for work the next morning, the bags underneath my eyes are heavy and I haven't even realized that I had fallen asleep.

My life has sort of become a non-stop routine. The same things happening everyday: hard days of work, engulfing and drowning myself in sadness, then attempting to get sleep, and only getting about twenty minutes.

Eventually I will have to break this cursed cycle for it is not healthy to be depressed and barely eating. If I keep it up, I will end up in a hospital again.

"Good Morning." Josh knocks on my door and welcomes himself in.

"Hi." I smile tiredly back.

"Long night?" He inquires and I nod.

Even though Josh and I have become very close, virtually best friends, I haven't chosen to tell him anything about my personal life or Harry and I most likely wont. Ever.

"You've got to start getting more sleep, I can tell you need it." He glances in the circle mirror, hung on the wall, fixing the gray tie around his neck.

"Nope." I joke, raising the can of energizer drink in my hand.

"That's not good for you, and you know it." He says.

"Yeah," I stand to my feet and walk over to the mirror, stepping in front of it, helping him.

"I had it." He smirks and I roll my eyes.

"No, you didn't, the knot was crooked." My fingers loop through material, adjusting it correctly.

"Thanks." He says and I take a few steps back, admiring my good work.

We stand there awkwardly and my stare turns to look at my feet. His digits move a strand of my hair out of my face. Today was the rare day that I had wore my hair down. Usually or work its pulled into a bun or a pony tail.

I clear my throat, hoping to break this moment.

"So, we are still on for lunch?" He catechized, his hand dropping to his side.

"Actually, no not today. I have an -uh- errand to run."

"Oh, okay." He smiles but the grin doesn't reach his eyes and I can tell he is slightly disappointed. "Well tomorrow then?"


We say our goodbyes as we separate at the lunch doors and I continue my journey outside the building.

I get into the car and drive to the address that is saved in the GPS. Once there I slam the car door shut and walk up the steps of the location.

My hand hesitates as I bring it up to bang on the door. I contemplate about what will happen when they answer the door before finally landing my fist against the wood.

I wait patiently for the door to open and when it does, the person behind it smiles warmly and relief washes through me.

"Hi." I beam, as the person open their arms and I go in to hug them.


Omg this was so bad and I'm so tired. I don't pre-write any of my chapters and I write as I go. Im writing in school, right now. I'm so freaking sorry. This was awful but I hadn't updated in a few days so I felt bad. I'll try to update tomorrow. I'll try to make it better. Just a bit of a writer's block.

Again I am so sorry. Please don't hate me.

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