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Amber's POV

"God, where have you been!?" Anne gently slaps my hand, questioning me for my absence from her the last couple of months. "I told you to keep and my son to keep in contact!" She scolds me and pulls me inside her home.

"I'm sorry." I smile. "Hello, Mr. Styles." I greet him and he lowers his newspaper.

"Ah! Amber! Hello!" He grins, standing and shaking my hand.

"Where is Harry, parking the car?" His mother asks, my heart leaps out of my chest and drops to my stomach with the mention of his name and I know that she doesn't know where he is so my trip here was pointless.

"Actually." I begin to answer but I'm not sure how to finish my sentence so I don't.

"Well?" Des pushes me and I have to force myself to keep from crying.

"He isn't with me." I explain and their eyebrows knit in confusion.

 "Oh, he must be working then." Anne laughs but its uneasy and unsure. "Oh," She scoffs smiling "Lets not talk about that right now." Her hands lace in the front of her.

"We'll be in the kitchen." She says and I follow her footsteps.

Her small hands grasp onto a mug filling it with coffee. The caffeine substance appears to be the only lone thing I've been consuming recently.

"You look awfully tired." She confirms and I nod. I thank her as I take the cup from her grasp. "Go ahead and spill." She teases and I weakly smile.

"I've got a new job." I gush the good news first.

"That's excellent!" She squeals and I laugh a bit.

I find it odd that I told her before my own mother. Its not that I don't want my mom to know its just we haven't really been in too much contact lately. In fact I haven't been in contact with any really.

"I'm so proud of you." She grabs one of my hands and squeezes it. "Where is it at?

"Thank you. Its in downtown, Wage Works?" I slowly sip from the teacup.

Her frail fingers run over her lips in thought "Oh! Yes!" Her face brightens up when she recognized the building. "Wow. You work there? Fancy the lot." 

"Yeah, its so formal." I mutter.

Being raised in the east of London, and not having much growing up, I'm not use to the proper behavior or activities displayed at work. I'm thankful to have gotten enough money to move from there when I graduated from high school. A few years after that my mother moved almost two hours away. We were never really close after that.

"Is that whats got you all in a fussy?" She nudges me and I am brought out of my thoughts that I seem to be lost in a lot lately.

"No," I admit and her face frowns. Anne shakes her head and slowly tips the rim of her cup to her lips. 

I begin to explain and before I know it, I am heading back to work after a good cry and a nice heart to heart with Harry's mother.


Harry's POV

The wind is bitterly hot and irritable here as I walk inside the building that has become all too familiar to me within the last few weeks. It will most likely take me a while to accommodate this. Its odd here and so foreign but I know that this is the only way she wouldn't be able to find me, she would never think to look here. I keep having to remind myself that this is what is best and I made the right decision.

I hope Amber chose to keep the car that I left for her.

I can only pray that she will forgive me and see why I've done what I needed to do.

She'll understand. She has to.

My hands run over my face in bitterness. It hurts me to know what she could possibly going through. God knows these months without her have been hell.

Its that feeling where you feel so tired but you cant sleep and you feel stuck in reverse. My bones feel broken and my skin feels soggy and I at times I find it hard to even breathe yet along feed on anything.

To avoid the ache and torment that comes with the cerebration of Amber opening the envelope and reading the disclosed letter, I've been addicted to something.

"Hey, Harry. What is it today?" Rob's meaty and built body appears, the tattoos thick on his arms. I've become well friends with the older male, and he enjoys my company and business.

"I'm not sure, something added to the few on my back, I guess." I say, my tongue darting out to lick my chapped lips, the ball from the new piercing on my tongue gliding across them.

"You keep it up and your whole back with be covered in ink." He laughs, cleaning off the needle and preparing the machine.

"That's the goal." I say slightly kidding and slid off my t-shirt up and over my head, tossing it to the side and ruffling my hair.

Yes, I've been addicted to tattoos and piercings. Within the last few days, I've got four new tattoos and two new piercings and I don't think I can resist the adrenaline that pumps through my veins with each prick of the sharp needle.

Some recall the feeling of getting a tattoo stung by hornets rapidly but the low hum of the machine, ripping through the first layer of skin to penetrate the ink permanently, soothes me. I'd probably even go to sleep if it weren't for Rob telling me its not safe and blah blah blah. I say fuck it.

"Alright, have something in mind yet?" He asks as I lay down on my stomach.

"I want an elephant." I say pausing before continuing. "Make it very detailed. Not too big, not too small. It means a lot to me." I explain and he nods.

I close my eyes and mind my takes me back to a happier place, one where Amber is laid on my chest telling me silly things like what her favorite color was and favorite food and I cant help but to remember that her favorite animal was indeed an elephant.


Hi, late upload but I said I woul write today so I did. Um sorry its not really good and nothing exciting is happening but its only because its just starting out. I love you guys so please dont forget to share your thoughts .x

I really hoped you liked it. 


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