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Harry's POV

It has been years since I've come here. The winter breeze is cold and crisp as I tightened my coat closer to me.

My head bows in pity and I start to actually feel sorry for myself.

The snow slowly falls around me but my focus is on, one thing only. The spot where the mother of my kid is laid to a permanent rest.

Today would mark the seventh year of her absence from our lives.

"Mate," Louis gently places his hand on my shoulder. "Are you going to be alright, the memorial service is almost over."

I don't know how long I've been standing here but apparently it has been for almost two hours.

Everyone -including those from England- that loved her is gathered here to celebrate her life.

I know I should probably move on but some small part if me wants to hold on.

"Yeah, give me a minute to say my final goodbye." I mutter and he walks away.

So there I was standing still in the same spot a half an hour later.

"I should've held on a little tighter, that morning you left for work." I whisper, hoping she can hear me from down under.

"I told myself that I'd never be able to forgive myself for not protecting you like I should I have." I sniffle and then I realize that I am crying.

"I still remember you kissing me goodbye and I telling you how much I loved you." I wipe underneath my eyes and push my hair back.

"I'm sorry." I slowly blink and keep my eyes closed. "I'm so sorry." I say again and I finally feel this weight being taken off my shoulders.

I can smell the aroma of her perfume. Am I hallucinating? I open my eyes and suddenly she's standing in front of me. I gasp and she smiles, placing a hand on my cheek.

"Dad!" I hear a small voice call and when I turn back towards the figuring, it's gone.

Was she really there? Not actually her, but her spirit? Was she bound to this earth unable to leave unless I forgive myself? Was that her way of a final goodbye? Has she crossed over now?

"Dad, your ears are gonna fall off, its freezing." Hunter says and I just stare down at my shoes.

"C'mon, we're really starting to worry about you." He tugs on my arm.

I glance over to see Amber and Harlot standing two feet away, then back to my son.

"Your mother was a wonderful woman." I say to him.

"I know." He pats my back. "Bye mom." He sadly smiles before walking over to our family.

He's such a young gentleman now. Seems like yesterday her and I were fighting over who was going to change his diaper.

"Goodbye .. Naomi." I finally say, placing the single pink rose at the top of the tomb stone.

When we get back to our house, car after car are parked and waiting for us.

As we step in we are greeted by her family and mine as well.

Harlot and Hunter are snatched away by some elderly people, leaving Amber and I.

She grabs onto my hand, Ger thumb gently caressing over the skin.

"Thank you." I tell her and she kisses my cheek.

I pull her into the empty kitchen and grab two wine glasses. I drink both, then grab another for her.

"Uh, I can't drink that." She says and I shrug, downing that glass too.

"Please don't drink too much." She request.

"I know, I just need to relax a little." I push a piece of now orange dyed hair behind her ear. "Tuna cracker?" I offer.

"I can't have that either." She laughs and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Why are you denying everything that is offered?" I ask her and she shrugs.

"I'm not. There are just some things you can't have when you are with child." She explains and I nod.

"Wait. Did you just say-" I can't even finish before she giggles and shakes her head yes.

"That's impossible." I state in shock.

"I know this isn't really the best timing and all but I didn't know any other way to tell you." She places my hand over had stomach.

"But there is like no way." I smile and rub my hands over her stomach.

"Not really. We have unprotected sex so often, I'm surprised I wasn't knocked up sooner." She laughs and I join in.

"Oh my God." I state and pick her up, hugging her tightly.

No matter what rut I am in, she always and I mean always is able to pull me out of it.

"Just wait until I tell Anne and the kids." Amber exclaims.

"I love you." I tell her, pushing her against the counter and she returns the saying.

Our lips drawing towards one another in a tight lock .. It was almost like gravity.


I really wanted to have a non-cliche ending and kill everyone but then you'll would probably hate me. Am I right? Lol

Y'all thought amber was dead huh lmao

I just wanna say thank you for all your comments and votes and time spent on reading this book. It truly means a lot. Thanks for sticking with me throughout this journey.

It has been exactly a year since I started Say Something. I'm tearing up lol

Anyways I love you guys and for one last time please:

Comment/Vote/Fan/Share .x

(I say fan bc when I started the story fan was following someone until they changed it to follow.)

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