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Amber's POV

After standing there for a bit, I decide to go after him. Hell, I'd follow him over and under each hill upon this Earth if I had to.

"Harry!" I rush into the house frantically searching for him.

My father and the other guys are seated at the table. "Where did he go?" I question them and they each frown sadly at me.

"He left." I state, glancing toward my father.

"Out the back, he didn't even want to finish our business. He said he'd try to make it back here another time." He confirms my dreadful assumption.

"Do you know where he is living?" I ask and they all share a glance.

"Well, it is not here." Niall offers and my eyebrows knit. What did he mean not here? Out the city?  Out the country?



I tread up the elevator on work Monday and I'm more than exhausted, the coffee in my hand doing very little to lift my spirits or energy. In fact I feel weaker.

Today was office dress down day as a prank to Mr. Blake, I was skeptical of participating but with Josh texting me to do it, I gave in. Yesterday, I finally purchased a phone. I only have two contacts; my mother's, Josh's.

I still hold onto Harry's old number though, in the hopes that he would call me one day. I've been dialing the number often for it to go straight to operator telling me that the service is no longer working. To think he'd change his number so I'd have no way of contacting him, hurts way more than I can imagine.

"Good Morning, Em." I greet the secretary. She is very kind and chooses not to go by her last name. She believer its too formal.

"Morning Amber!" She beams, her t-shirt looking rather odd than seeing her in a lovely business suit.

I sigh, once behind the doors of my office. I set down the liquid drug and place my purse on the hook I've installed on the wall.

It is extremely hard to even consider working when all my thoughts are swamped in Harry. Seeing Harry on Friday churned something in me. I'm not quite sure what it is or why either.

I finally do understand now. Harry doesn't want me, he doesn't love me. I cant even begin to explain how shitty it feels. I feel like nothing but a hollow shell.

I just need to come to terms that Harry Styles will no longer exist in my life from this point further.

"Hi." I say when the line is picked up. I need a distraction from my mind.

"Hey, Why aren't you working?" Josh laughs slightly through the old office phone.

"I'm trying, really." I exhale deeply, twirling in the cushioned chair.

"Did you see my gift?" He asks and my face twists in confusion.


"It is underneath your desk" I slide out of my and crawl under my desk. Thankful for the sweats that adorn my body. "I wanted it to be a surprise but I guess I should have put it more out in the open." He says followed by a nervous chuckle.

My eyes peek over to a box, fingers grasping it and pulling it to sit on the top of my desk.

"Do you see it?"

"Yeah." I answer and the phone line clicks off. "Okay..." I mutter to myself, placing the handset back on its base.

Before I open the box, I rip the small tag off. "Open me, I hope you smile. -Josh."

I remove the fancy little ribbon, taking off the lid and looking inside. The box contained a bear that held a heart that said "Smile." and their was a carton of caramel chocolates. There also was a smaller box which when opened a beautiful necklace was enclosed.

"Wow." I whisper.

"You like it?" Josh appears at my door and my mouth is still agape. "I just notice you dont have a shine in your eyes like you are suppose to, I felt I needed to do something to make you happier, to make you smile." He steps inside, the door closing itself behind him.

"You didn't have to, I cant accept this." I genuinely say and he shakes his head.

"Nope, no give backs." Josh grinned.

"Are you sure, I hope you didn't spend too much." I frown, thinking about how much the necklace must have cost. On his salary it must have seemed like spending a penny to him.

"One thousand percent. If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't have purchased it." He says and I nod.

"Thank you," I stand to my feet and hug him. "It really means a lot." His arms wrap around me tightly, it feels nice to be comforted but not nearly as amazing it would feel to be in Harry's arms.

"Here," He grabs the necklace from me once we break apart. His fingers push my hair to the side as he tightens the necklace around my neck. "Looks ten times as beautiful as I would have guessed." He whispers into my ear.

I look into the mirror, admiring the necklace until my eyes graze over the tan lifeless skin of my face. I look horrid, way worse than I assumed.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" Josh asks and I shake my head no. "I was just wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner or something." His fingers fiddle with the end of the t-shirt he was wearing.

"Yes, I'd like that." My mouth moves before my brain does.

"Great, I'll pick you up around eight?" His smile stretches like a mile.

"Actually, I was thinking that I'd cook something for us?" I offer, he had already spent too much on me, and I could not allow him to spend anymore. Also this way I could manage whatever I wasn't going to consume.

"You cook? How lovely. So I'll be there at eight." 

"Yeah, I'll have something cooked by then."

Josh and I continued to discuss our plans for tonight further and I must say for a while Harry wasn't on my mind. I am thankful for Josh being such a great distraction.


Hi, so you know how I said that if I made another book, it would be short well I'm not sure how much longer I can stretch this story out but I'll try.

And exams are really freaking stressing me with trying to study and update and blah but I enjoy writing so much.

Anyways Love you guys .x

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