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Amber's POV

"Sweetie, how was your first day of school?" I happily ask. Today was Harlot's first day of High School and I nearly cried.

"Fine." Harlot responds.

"Make any new friends?" I question and finish washing the dishes.

"Kind of." She bluntly says. Harlot turned out to be quite the introvert. All she ever wants to do it blog on her laptop and read.

"Oh, c'mon Harlot. You can tell me names." I scoff. "I'm hip still. I can get down with the times." I chuckle, putting away a glass.

"Mother. Shut up. Like now." She snarls.

"Whoops, I almost back handed you." I half joked, half seriously said. "Names, now."

"Well, there is this one guy .. I think is name is Hunter Styles or something like that." She glances at me, before going back to her homework.

"Styles, huh?' My heart nearly fell out of my chest.

He had a kid? But by who? I couldn't help the endless train of thoughts running through my head that caused a frown to be set on my face.

"What're we talking about?" Ryan came from the living room, untying his tie. "Hello loves." He greeted me with a peck on the check and a kiss to Harlot's forehead.

"School." Harlot rolls her eyes like school is hell and is the worst subject to talk about.

"Yes! How'd it go? Whose the little shit I got to beat up, no one gets to my daughter without-" Ryan starts and another pang shoots through me. 

She isnt his. But she's Harry's.

I'll never tell anyone though. No one needs to know.

"Dad!" She shouts, slamming her book shut and stomping up the stairs.

"Moody teenagers." He mumbles. "I think she watches too much television, I think she thinks because shes in high school now, she has to act like that." 

"Wait until next week, she'll be herself again." I say, taking a seat at the counter.

"How was work?" I strike up another subject and his eyes light with excitement.

"Wonderful. Finally closed the deal on a house not too far from here to a lovely family of three. They decided to buy about two weeks ago but they moved in first before finally signing." He explains. "The father didn't want to sign and not like he house but I swear the dad looked so familiar, his piercings and tattoos threw me off."

God, please don't tell me its Harry. I haven't spoken to him since seeing him at that grocery store ten years ago. Although we had made plans to keep in touch afterwards, I ignored his calls and messages. I knew it would have been best if I wanted to keep my secret from him and be faithful to Ryan. Even though its been about nineteen years since having any relations with him, I don't trust myself around him.

Nineteen whole years. Its impossible. I loved him. I love him.

He cant be in America though.

Could he?

Did he follow me?

No, he couldn't have possibly known where I lived exactly in America.

I wonder if he is still involved in all that shit with my dad and Louis and them.


"Hmm? No, Yeah, I heard you." I stutter.

"Yeah, but the deed is under Styles so I know I cant possibly know him from anywhere." He rubs in chin, trying to remember anything that could explain his hunch.

Literally gonna go jump out a fucking window. You've got to be kidding me.

"Whats that address again?"

"281 French Avenue." He says. "Why?"

"Just curious, Ryan." I laugh and kiss his cheek before going upstairs and putting on a pair of running shoes.

"I'm going for a run." I yell after coming down the stairs and Ryan peers around the corner.

"Its raining." He says and I nod.

"You have your mace?" Ryan asks. He knows about what happened all those years ago. Ever since I told him about that he always is sure to ask if I am carrying my mace or pocket knife.

"I do." I kiss him quickly before running out the door.

I make sure I am a good block away before I stop running and punch the address into my GPS on my phone. I never planned on taking a run anyways. I knew exactly where I was going.

I take off in sprint towards the house. When I arrive, its a bit larger than my house. There are three cars parked in the driveway and I maneuver around them and jog up the steps.

I took many deep breaths before finally ringing the doorbell. I waited impatiently for someone to answer and when the door finally opens I nearly faint.

"Hello?" An elderly man says and I feel so damn stupid.

"H-Hi. I'm uh sorry." My fingers awkwardly push my hair out of my face and I feel like Im that same girl from all those years ago. "I've- wrong house." I quickly mutter before taking off in a sprint.

I've reached the end of the driveway when I hear a deep voice. His voice. "Bambi?" Harry questions and I nearly burst into tears.

Im overly frantic right now and I cant seem to explain it. All these years and he still calls me that. All these years and he still looks as good as he did when we were together.

"Hey. Bumble-bee" I gasp and I swear if I don't stop shaking I'm gonna hurt myself. Why does he still have such an affect on me?

Before I can even process anything he is running down the driveway, pulling me in his arms. Hugging me. Hugging me like he use to. Like that night he saved me from myself. The hug was that desperate.

It was everything that I needed right now. Everything I craved. 

I shouldn't be doing this anyways. I have Ryan and he apparently has someone else.

"What are you doing here?" He asks, still cradling me.

"I came looking for you but he answered and I thought-"  I pull back to look at him, the rain drenching us.

"No, he's my dad-in-law." He explains and I nod, still trying to catch my breath. "You look amazing." He compliments, the green in his eyes shining.

"As do you." I respond.

It feels like I've been punched in the chest.

"We need to catch up and I am not taking no for an answer. There's so much we have to talk about." Harry smiles, the dimples popping out of his cheeks.


I cant decide if I want to make this a chapter and continue the story or just make it a epilogue and leave the story alone. 

I don't know. I feel like I tourture you guys haha. Anyways, You guys tell me!

Continue or leave as it is?

I'm surprised I wrote this because I didnt plan on writing anymore on this story but suddenly I've just got inspired again. 

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