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Originally, this mortal who tamed a hunter's weapon did not want this at all. He was contented with only the spear artifact to defend himself with, but now, there is a certain goal he had in mind.

"It is time, Reol," Icen Soulbearer spoke as the man with ice-cold eyes nodded and followed his elder brother. Their father and siblings were originally against all this, but they understood Icen's point.

After all, Icen was the one who turned Exalla into one of the most beautiful and flourishing cities in the country. After all, Icen was the reason why Exalla is now called the city of art. After all, Icen was the one who managed to maintain good relations with the vampires as he created Oscure to be their safe haven.

As the brothers reached the chamber, Reol lied down on the bed and let the vampires restrain him properly. The bottles of blood were ready, and so was the serum to be injected to him.

The young Soulbearer knew there was no turning back. He was ready and he willingly chose this. As he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, the door to the said chamber closed and silence filled the whole area.

Three whole minutes of pain and agony for the whole transformation to be complete.

Two people he decided to help as they personally approached him.

One clear goal in mind as he willingly let go of the hunter's weapon he used to wield so this weapon could choose a new owner. A fitting owner this time.

His screams of pain echoed as the transformation was starting. There was no turning back as the mortal decided to be turned into a vampire for a reason. A reason that he told no one at all. A reason that even his family would never know. A reason that could or could not change his fate.

This is Reol Soulbearer. He is the brother of the Oscure leader, Icen Soulbearer. He is the uncle of another child of Project Eden named, Mavus Soulbearer. He is one of the grandchild of Mayari Soulbearer. This vampire is the killing machine that the Soulbearer offered to the project and he is not afraid to leave everything behind just to achieve his goal.

...A true Soulbearer indeed.


Universe: Deified

Universe is owned by thundercrowned

This was written for a roleplay in discord and I hope you enjoy.

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