• chapter 3 •

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• Peggy •

We pulled into the Subway parking lot in Angie's black car. Eliza unplugged her phone from the AUX cord, cutting off the end of the song "When He Sees Me" from Waitress. I carried the last note out regardless, not caring that I was the only one singing. I finished up, and Eliza clapped for a second.

"I'm telling you guys, we should do something with these voices of ours, really." Eliza said with a smile, tucking her phone into her boot as we walked inside.

It was nighttime, nearly 10pm but this Subway was so busy it closed super late, sometimes not at all. We walked up to the counter and ordered our sandwiches, then went to a table.

The table was pretty close to the door, so we could see everyone that came in. After a pause in the flow of people, a young man around our age walked in.

And Eliza's face lit up.

You could tell she found this man very attractive. If I wasn't gay as hell, I'd probably fall for him too. He had long, dark brown hair tucked into a messy ponytail. His deep brown eyes looked slightly sunken in from the bags around them. He carried a gray duffel bag not unlike my own. I carefully stood up, and Eliza grabbed my hand, knowing I saw the look in her eyes.

"Peggy, I swear to God if you say something..." I just smirked and pulled away from her, walking over to the boy.

"Sorry, can I help you?" He looked up at me after not noticing me for a moment. We were standing over by the drink machine where he was filling a cup with lemonade.

"I'm Peggy. My sister over there in the blue wanted to know if you'd like to eat with us? It's not often we see new people around this area." I lied, telling him Eliza invited him. In all honesty, she hadn't said anything. But hey, anything for your sisters, right?

"Uhh, sure, I guess?" He smiled a little bit and walked over to the table. Eliza blushed and smiled.

"Hi. I'm Eliza and that's Peggy." She said gesturing to me. He nodded.

"And that's Angelica." She finished. Angie just waved and smiled, focusing on her rose gold phone resting in her hand.

"Alexander Hamilton." He said with a smile.

"Sit down, Alexander. We can make some room for you." I slid into the booth next to Angie and made Alexander sit with Eliza, whose face was quickly pinking.

"So, Alexander, do you go to school around here?" Angie asked him.

"Uhh, yeah, I go to Jackson High School. I'm a sophomore."

"Really? We go there too! Angelica's a junior, I'm a sophomore and Peggy's a freshman." Eliza explained. A confused look washed over her face.

"How come I've never seen you there before?" She asked him. His hands started fidgeting.

"Um, most of my classes are AP, so they aren't in the sophomore hallway." He replied.

"Oh! That's cool. So, since we're sitting together, tell us about yourself, Alex. Can I call you that?" I asked him. He nodded at me and drew in a breath.

"Well, I write a lot. I'm not... from New York, I dance, I hope that isn't weird to you guys..." He began, but we all cut him off before he could continue with three simultaneous gasps.

"You dance?" We all exclaimed excitedly.


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