• chapter 20 •

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• Alexander •

Two days after the funeral we were back in New York. The day and a half we spent in London after the funeral, Eliza hardly ate and stayed at the hotel the whole time. I stayed with her just in case.

But I was starting to get worried about her. We were both back to school and we only saw each other in English and lunch.

The day we got back it was a Thursday, and we both went to school despite jet lag and tiredness. When I saw her at lunch she immediately came over to me, and fell asleep promptly on my shoulder after kissing me.

When she woke up, she told me and Hercules that she dropped out of the competition she was supposed to be in on Sunday. Hercules was a bit upset that he couldn't make the costume, but we both understood. I think that's when I started to worry. She didn't dance quite as much as she did anymore, and she never wanted to go out. She used to be so social, and now she stays at home all day.

It doesn't help that I can't visit her as much anymore. We've been dating only a few weeks but the first two of them we were together, and it was easy to get used to. So being apart was very weird.

It was currently Friday, a week and a day after we came home, and I was sitting in my apartment doing my homework so that I wouldn't have to do it later. I decided that since I couldn't go to Eliza's right now, I'd FaceTime her.

The phone rang twice before she picked up. I could barely see her face but I knew she was in her bed.

"Hello beautiful. How are you holding up?" I asked her gently.

"I'm ok right now I guess. I miss you though." She sighed.

"I miss you too, babe. But I'll be over in less than an hour and I'm staying over tonight so you'll get to see me and tell me how your week has been." She nodded and smiled at me, although I knew it was forced.

"Hey, how about we do something tonight? We should go to dinner or the movies or something, have some fun." I said. She glanced to the floor, trying to think of an excuse but to my surprise, she didn't.

"Ok. Angie and Peggy keep telling me I need to get out more anyways." She said. I smiled at her, while scribbling the last of my homework down and putting it away.

"Alright babe, as much as I hate to do this, I have to go now so I can shower before I come over." I said, getting out of my chair.

"Noooo!" She whined and laughed, making me laugh too.

"Eliza, I need to take a shower or I'll be all gross when we go out!" I told her.

"Take a shower here." She said with a smile, trying to convince me not to hang up and to get me to come over sooner. I sighed, knowing I'd give in.

"Fine." I jokingly rolled my eyes as she cheered adorably. I tossed some pajamas and nice clothes as well as two pairs of regular clothes into a bag before grabbing my charger and other stuff. I always bring extra clothes to Eliza's because she loves making me stay an extra day, forcing me to leave Sunday after church rather than on Saturday.

"Ok, I'm leaving now, so I'll see you soon, Betsy. I have to drive so I don't want to FaceTime." We said our goodbyes and soon enough I was driving off to see my love, and hopefully cheer her up by taking her out.

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