Special #1: ModernAU Halloween! Part 2

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As the girls were walking together with Akimi leading, they had noticed the intense gaze men and some women were giving towards the silverette, whom was oblivious and gazed ahead.

The girls glared at everyone who gave their Akimi a...'heated' filled gaze towards her whole body, even if her clothing –that she changed after they ate a quick snack– was slightly thick.

The silverette beauty was, of course, wearing her dark-gray, almost black, mask. Her hair was tied into a low ponytail. She was wearing a white, baggy, sleeveless, turtle-neck sweater with braid designs, and under her baggy sweater was a dark-purple, long-sleeved shirt that had openings on her shoulder blades. She also wore a small, yet comfortable dark-blue shorts with midnight-blue leggings under it that showed her curvy legs. Not to forget her black, high-heeled boots. Even with the baggy sweater, it just chose to clung against her body.

"So... What are you girls gonna be for halloween?" Akimi spoke up, breaking the glaring atmosphere the girls were giving the people around them.

"I think I might be Red Riding Hood." Sakura answered, ignoring how Inner Sakura started shouting at how outer should be a 'hot Red Riding Hood for Akimi to gawk on' or 'for Akimi to...play...with..her...doing.....EECK!!' and other nonsense like that. Sakura had a red face at the latter, but quickly dispersed it.

"That's perfect for you, Sakura-chan! Your beautiful blossom-coloured hair and emerald-green eyes would suit the colour red wonderfully!" Akimi beamed, her galaxy orbs sparkling at the thought of Sakura being in a cute, Red Riding Hood costume.

Sakura blushed a pink hue, smiling and mumbling a small 'thanks'.

"I-I... Might be a s-simple white b-bunny with a maid outfit..." Hinata said, poking her fingers together in a shy manner. She squeaked in surprise when Akimi's arms were looped around her neck, Akimi's cheek rubbing against hers. "That's incredibly adorable for you, Hina-chan!"

Hinata blushed a scarlet red at the close contact with her crush.

"Well, I'm gonna be a bandit! A hot, weapon mistress bandit!" Tenten chirped in glee, blushing a bit at saying the latter.

"Hmm... That is great for you, Ten-chan... Yup! A perfect, weapon mistress bandit indeed!" Akimi clapped her hands together, approving the idea.

Tenten grinned, with an unnoticeable blush, in thanks.

"I was thinking of being a kunoichi with fan-blades." Temari said, one hand on her chin, and the other on her hip.

"Saa, a kunoichi? That's perfect for you! I can't wait to see you in a kunoichi outfit!" Akimi rambled, knowing that she loved kunoichi's. They were very badass and Akimi's favorite character is also a kunoichi.

Temari grinned and gave a thumbs up, a small blush crossed against her nose.

"I'm gonna be rapunzel!" Ino declared, fist-bumping the air with a blush on her face at thinking of Akimi as the 'prince' to let down her hair.

Akimi grunted, "You're perfect for the role, Ino-chan. You even have beautiful, platinum-blonde hair." The silverette smiled with anime sparkles around her, squealing happily at the image of Ino with beautiful long hair. Akimi had always loved that story, her aunt would always read it to her.

Ino smiled with a small blush at the praise.

Akimi faced the purple-azurette, "Saa, Konachi? What are you gonna be for halloween?" She asked with her head tilted slightly.

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