Chapter 42

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Weeks passed, and Valerie busied herself with days of dealing with the messy business of the aftermath of war and wrestling with her grief, and nights spent lying outside, staring up at the stars and catching up on a lifetime of conversation with Thai. It was a combination of acute pain and utter sweetness, a swing of an emotional pendulum that almost made her dizzy.

The Grand Masters had named her Grand Chair Elect, studying under Skye, who was the Acting Grand Chair. The responsibilities were immense, but in her heart, Valerie knew that she wouldn't run from her new role, as tempting as complete freedom would be. Earth and the Globe were in a state of merry chaos now, and she wanted to be a part of helping to mold it into something stronger and better than it had been before.

Still, it was an intense relief when the prisoners were organized enough that Calibro and Sibyl could take over and she wouldn't have to split her attention between her duties at the Capitol and her role as the leader of the Fist.

"You're sure you don't need me to help with trials or anything?" Valerie asked the golden-haired Grand Master, who was consulting with Sibyl.

Calibro turned and gave Valerie a level stare. "The business of justice is not your area. My guild has handled these matters for centuries. The Justice Council has already tried eleven prisoners today. We'll have swift justice delivered to all within these walls."

Valerie ducked her head so that Calibro didn't see her smile. "Of course."

"I predict things will go smoothly," Sibyl said, a trace of a smile letting Valerie know she shared Valerie's amusement. "The other Oracles and I will travel between here and the Roaming City until the trials are complete."

"If you're sure you don't need me, then I'll leave you to your work, my friends," Valerie said.

"You may be called on to provide testimony in certain trials, but for now, I thank you for your service," Calibro said.

Dismissed, Valerie couldn't help giving first Sibyl and then the serious Calibro one quick hug before turning away.

That night, long after Thai had fallen asleep, Valerie remained awake. It wasn't unusual for her to toss and turn these days. She remembered how Cyrus used to visit her in her dreams when she still lived on Earth, unaware that magic existed in the universe. He'd never abandoned her. But now, she couldn't find Cyrus anywhere, even in her dreams, and his absence created a vacuum in her that threatened to consume her if she let it.

Valerie involuntarily reached for Henry through their mental connection. He was in Elsinore with Kanti, who was getting a constitution in place that would replace the monarchy with an elected democracy. She and Henry wanted to return to Arden, Henry to continue his training at the Empathy Guild, and Kanti to explore apprenticing at the Guardians of the Boundary.

Henry's peace flowed through their twin bond. It was comforting to know that he was happier than he ever thought he could be, and sometimes, she was glad that she had time to be alone with Thai. Other times, she missed him. Blood will call blood, and he was her only family.

She couldn't bring herself to disturb his peace by calling him or waking Thai, but she couldn't stay still. Quietly, she slipped on her jeans and left to visit Gideon in the Healers' Guild.

Since the night that he had almost awoken, there had been no change in his condition. She liked to sit by his bed and have one-sided conversations with him. She slipped down the quiet, dark halls of the Guild to Gideon's room.

She pushed open the door and immediately reached for her blade, but she wasn't carrying it. Stupid. Kellen was fluttering above Gideon's bed, dust drifting from his wings. The war would never be over.

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