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~Names only show how people view you. I hope I can make up a name that will be like a mirror, reflecting you, nothing more and nothing less

Out of nowhere, she was there. It wasn't right at first glance. She was surrounded by four boys, and I couldn't tell which one was the ugliest. Neither could I comprehend why she was with them.

I could only perceive her back, which was decorated with long tresses of dark blonde hair in a way that caused you to be unable to look away from it.

Yet I was forced to look away in order to avoid any eye contact.

The bell rang and I was forced to walk past the group. And then, like it was written in the stars, I stumbled over a non-existent threshold, in front of the group. I heard laughter that could also be compared to the sounds of a monkey, elephant and the cough of a heavy smoker. All in all, it wasn't a pleasant sound.

I suddenly felt something soft against my arm. I looked up and met eyes that I had never seen before. They were blue green and I couldn't compare their shade with anything.

It felt like I was looking into mirrors that gave a better reflection than I thought to see. I still couldn't see myself in those mirrors.

Just peering into those eyes was enough for me to forget everything. I always look in harsh blue, instable green, deformed brown and cruel grey. I didn't expect these ones.

'Are you okay?' she asked me, her voice sounded quite hoarse, which was supposed to have a reassuring effect on people. Unfortunately, it drove me insane. I had never heard a sound quite like it.

I nodded while I was gathering a lot of effort to move my eyes from hers and examine the rest of her.

Her appearance was almost flawless, except for a few birthmarks and freckles that decorated the small stroke of skin between her tiny nose and full lips.

'I would watch out, if I were you, Alex. Jaydee seems to have her evil eye on you,' one of the boys said that was too ugly to be identified. I shook my head to wake myself up from my own world. He had no idea what he is talking about, it is far from the truth. Far from Alex herself, who seems to resemble the truth in its purest form.

Alex was still standing in front of me, her eyes narrowed and watching me inquisitively.

'I have never seen you before,' I remarked dryly, looking away from those eyes.

'I just enrolled here. And I've already heard about you, especially the nicknames you carry. The ghost, the bitch, Jaydie and last but not least: Miss Invisible.'

I folded my arms across my chest and opened my mouth to give her a piece of my mind. 'If you already seem to know who I am, why are you even talking to me?'

I looked into her eyes again and almost fell apart when her lips were slowly curling into a smile.

'If only you had five hundred names. They don't tell me who you are, just how people look at you. And I've got the idea that those names are far off. Maybe after I've made up mine for you, it could work as a mirror. People can use that name instead of those false ones.'

And she walked away, accompanied by her friends that were giving me looks of disbelief.

She did leave, yet her words didn't leave me and remained stuck on me like glue on paper.

She was the first one who didn't turn away from me at first glance. And she was the first one I didn't turn away from.

This girl was special. If all the colours would form a spectrum of good and bad, she would be in the beginning of it.

Red, the purest heart of them all.

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