Chapter XVIII: Manipulation

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~As fire destroys air, will air's absence destroy fire. As water destroys fire, will fire's absence destroy water. As air destroys earth, will earth's absence destroy air. As earth destroys water, will water's absence destroy earth.

Fearwyn and I haven't really talked that much after that.

His words are still following the other thoughts that are running through my mind.

I can't blame others for making decisions with their hearts. What does that even mean? And I can't blame myself either. Does me resembling the Heart has anything to do with it? It is who I am, my strength. Weirdly enough, I still don't know why.

The next days are remotely boring, since all we do is talk in the same room every day.

At some point, we have decided to find out if the prophecy can be fulfilled.

With Fearwyn's hand in one of mine and Darwin's in the other, a shift of energy is channeling itself through all of us.

It's not quite the same as that one time that Darwin, Alex and I joined hands.

That could be called the wind, while this comes close to a tornado.

Darwin's energy, that is coming from my left is the first I am able to identify.

His energy is stronger than the first time; the peacefulness and acceptance of it is something I can never understand. But there is a sudden change in his energy. Something less passive and more assertive. Something that can be extremely powerful if it is kept under control.

I vaguely realize that that is what happens when the wind forces the water to flow.

It is my effect on him.

His energy changes into mine and I still have no clue what kind of energy it is. Maybe it is for the better. 

Fearwyn will probably feel his effect on me too. 

It would definitely be for the better if I don't know what that exactly is. 

When we all have felt the striking connection between the four of us, we release each other.

'That was...interesting,' Alex says, having felt the effect she has on Fearwyn and Fearwyn's original energy. Fearwyn nods while taking a look at me, which is a look that can be a mixture of awe and curiosity. 

'It sure was. Does this mean that we can call ourselves undefeatable? That we finally can get the hell out of this place?' Fearwyn asks, moving his eyes from me to Darwin and Alex.

'I don't think it works that way. It might be that we have been too focused on believing it instead of putting our attention and energy on escaping,' Alex answers him, while the things I am able to perceive in her gaze on Fearwyn has nothing to do with the conversation. I think that she is very astounded by the things she felt when we joined hands.

Fearwyn opens his mouth to reply, but Darwin is faster. 'We already know that the prophecy has to be true in some sort of way. How else do you explain the energy that you felt when we held hands? Don't forget the second part of the prophecy, that will probably be next.'

We all sit up in panic when we hear two loud thumps. The door opens with a solid swing, revealing the slightly disheveled Cinder. His emerald eyes seem to have grown bigger. We all look at him, our faces in the shape of question marks.

'Guys, we don't have a lot of time. I have found a way out for you, but we have to be quick. This place is full of guards, including those two,' he says with a casual look on the two unconscious bodies behind the door.

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