Chapter XVII: The Drawing That Became A Mirror

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~Reasoning with deeds that are based on emotions is just like trying to explain why we chose to love someone

Reason was never used, but the head will still be blamed for losing the war with the heart since every human has a head on his shoulders ánd a heart in his chest

Cinder left and a silence has fallen between Alex and I, once again.

'Well, that was weird...' Alex says, breaking that silence.

I shrug at that while I am pondering over Cinder's words. They sounded very important.

'But those last words...Don't you think that it has to do with the second part of the prophecy? "As one has the power to destroy the other, has the other the power to destroy the one when the other leaves." If we are air and earth, it means that I have the power to destroy you while your departure means my ultimate destruction,' I say, thinking out loud for once.

Alex doesn't respond audibly, she rolls over while her tall body is shaking.

I worriedly hover over her, only to notice that she is laughing.

'I'm sorry, but you make it sound so dramatic. My departure means your ultimate destruction? What does that even mean? You were fine on your own before you met me, and that were seventeen years. Why shouldn't you be able to recover?'

I shrug again, gaining a punch against my shoulder from Alex, her eyes layered with emotions from tiredness, confliction and longing.

I have been so focused on my own emotions that I haven't taken hers in account. She has her first boyfriend and she isn't even able to spend time with him. Instead, she's here with me.

Stuck together like a heart and a mind are stuck inside a person.

'I'm not sure how to interpret the second part of the prophecy. What exactly does "destruction" mean? According to Cinder, it means that a "storm" will take one of the two with a strong connection, leaving the other scarred for life with their cut off strings.'

Alex puts a hand on my knee, a friendly gesture to calm me down.

'Jay, stop thinking about it. Cinder wouldn't know about the second part of the prophecy. He was just trying to get us to fulfill the prophecy, by scaring us with those words. All he wants is his bed, Jaydee, I am telling you.'

I absentmindly nod at her, even though I don't agree with her.

It's just odd for Cinder to say such serious words. I read the expression on his face; he wasn't trying to manipulate us.

Or am I too naive?

Alex and I spend the rest of the night talking and making jokes.

The next day, Alex and I are escorted to the same chamber as yesterday. Darwin and Fearwyn are already in it, debating on something.

Alex runs towards Fearwyn and kisses him on the cheek, causing both of his cheeks to become a shade of pink.

A smile appears on my face. Fearwyn seems to have lost his footing when he got into a relationship with earth.

Darwin's dim face is lighting up when he notices us.

I sit myself next to him and am surprised when he is fumbling with the hem of his shirt.

It is nothing for him to be nervous, since that is my role. Funnily enough, we seem to have switched roles because I am as calm as a pond or as collected as the fire inside a hearth while he is as restless as the wind.

'Hello, Darwin,' I greet him, and his alert green eyes are carefully meeting mine.

'Hello, Jaydee. Did you and Alex catch up?'

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