Chapter XXXII: The End Of One Road And The Beginning Of The Other

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~The road that we make for ourselves is one we have to set the first steps on

To my surprise, Fearwyn has claimed Ironore as his companion on the journey. His motives for it are very obvious though, he wants her to come with us to get to me. I really don't care, because the road that I have made for myself is one I will walk alone.

The fact that Ironore has been willing to accompany us is also understandable. The lengths of her magic and of herself are not destined to remain inside the camp of the Northlings.

We reach the territory of the Elves, which always makes me have gag reflexes. It's so bright and shiny, so healthy and perfect. I don't like the optimism those aspects contain.

We stop and step out of the carriages. The gate is nearby and we are met by the long but polished face of the Elf that is guarding it.

'Luna Striking Sol, welcome to our territory. What has motivated our Queen to visit our humble Clan?'

I nod at Alain, who instantly understands the command. He roughly grasps Darwin by the hem of his shirt and shoves him in front of all of us.

'This is Darwin. I was wondering if you could get a sense of the magic inside of him?'

The guard squints his eyes when he is taking in Darwin's posture, which is a posture that doesn't really belong to one of the magical Clans.

'He carries our magic? How is that even possible? No elf ever sets a footstep out of our forest unless it's completely necessary. He looks like a dwarf from the myths mixed with an Eyecatcher, not an Elf.'

'It's a long story and I don't believe I let you tell it to others. If I tell you, you wouldn't live anymore to tell it yourself. The priority is that he needs to connect to his magic since it is preventing him from being who he is. An Elf. We don't want to enter your gates, we just want the Elves to help him.'

The guard hesitates, but finally gives in to my wish. I am his Luna Striking Sol, after all. I could destroy the gates if I wanted to and there would be nothing they could do about it.

The gate opens for Darwin and we are left alone in the annoying forest of the Elves.

We are setting up our camp and I notice how Alex has disconnected herself from everyone, even Fearwyn.

I decide to see how Felon is doing. The change of colour in his eyes is still something I have to get used to.

He is sitting on an incomplete log with his hands laying awkwardly in his lap.

I sit next to him and look at him, which makes him give me a silly smile like the stupid boy he is.

'I really hope that you can find your peace after this. It's almost done, Nova. I just don't understand why you would go through all this trouble to become more powerful.'

I frown at him in confusion.

'You think that I created the prophecy to become more magical than I already am? Right now, that is what I'm hoping from it. But back then, I created the prophecy in the hope that I would not be deemed worthy enough to define magic itself. I wanted to become human, the girl I was before I lost everything of it to the magic. You know about the three parts of the prophecy. The fourth is a secret, but I think it is time for you to know, considering it is only a matter of time it will fulfill.'

I take a deep breath before repeating the words that have been engraved in both my heart and mind.

'The four elements that are needed to cast the spell will be rising on Earth ten years after the prophecy. One person must be the carrier of two elements that will be accomplished by one person being the bearer of death.'

Felon has grown quiet for a minute before he responds to it.

'You knew how long it would take and that there was someone that would die. What is the real reason that you kept me out of your physical and emotional reach all those years?'

'I had to make this journey with you and not a broken you because of me. A decade is a very long time. If you had been close to me as you were back then, I would have emotionally destroyed you. Back then, I really cared about you. You were the only friend I had despite all of my magic. I know you have always been genuine, even though you were forced to be my friend.'

Felon's golden eyes are glowing out of emotion after I have shared this with him.

'I broke the moment you locked me up. It would have been better if you broke me because of you than because of the fact that I can't even be with you. But maybe, after all of this, we can be together.'

I don't respond to those words because my heart doesn't know how it feels. It's cold and unable to feel depths of emotion. I can only feel that I have the emotion of sadness lingering inside me, but the volume of it is not to be felt.

Ironore and Eve are sitting themselves on the log too, Eve next to me and Ironore next to Felon.

'There is something wrong with my magic. The past few days, I wasn't able to feel the thunder while it is always attracted to me. I feel like it had to do with Alex. But now, I can feel it following me again,' Eve confesses, her voice sounding strangely insecure. Insecurity within her is very out of place.

'Alex has grown to be very powerful. We need to watch her. I'll promise you that if she would try to do something with you, I will kill her. I can easily take her magic even though I prefer it to do it in a less...permanent way. Her fight is not with you, though,' I reassure her and the flickers in her eyes are telling me that it has not really worked.

'Maybe I should try to become her friend instead of her enemy,' Eve says.

'Why should you? You are here for Nova and not for the purpose of this entire journey. You don't owe anyone anything. Just like Nova, I will protect you if anything would happen,' Ironore responds, shocking both me and Eve because she hasn't said a word to us on the road to the Elves.

'Well, thanks Ironore. And you, Nova. I wish the two of you would treat each other like you treat me.'

Ironore and me meet gazes for a second before we are shaking our heads at the same time.

'I don't need her to treat me like anything,' Ironore says while I say: 'I don't need her.'

'You are both wrong. Nova, you do need your sister. She is literally the only family you have that is voluntarily choosing to go with you. Ironore, you do need Nova to treat you like a person instead of nothing. The two of you clearly need each other's approval.'

I frown at Eve. 'If I had the ability to burst out in a mocking laugh.'

'I'd rather threaten her than treat her,' Ironore replies.

When the time has finally come, Darwin is walking through the gate towards us with a content smile painted on his face. I have never liked paintings.

'It was amazing. I am a mind reader, even though I can only do it once in a week or something.'

I sigh out in relief. 'Let's get back to my castle. The journey is finally over. Thank the spirits.'

We get into the carriages that are being pulled by the horses and controlled by the servants that do not carry names that I have acknowledged. It's finally over.

Gold That Appears To Be SilverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora