Chapter XXIX: Remember

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~Memories will only remain memories if you choose to relive them from time to time. Memories will fade when you never relive them. Memories will become your life once you choose to keep living in them

I instantly notice the weird dynamics inside the company. Stermon is walking beside me, as if to protect me. I have never really thought about it before, but he has always been there to protect me.

'Eve, why don't you and your friend join us inside my carriage?' Nova proposes, even though everyone knows it isn't a proposal that can be turned down.

'Okay,' I simply answer and follow her and her three guards inside the carriage, Stermon following every step that I set.

It's quiet until we have finally arrived at one of the Clans. Nova had explained that we need to let three of the people that are inside the other carriage connect with their magical roots. They are from Earth.

I am not that sure of what is going on. She called me the Striking like I am a part of her name, while I was just using it to mock her. But on the other hand, I do feel a sort of connection to the sorceress. I kind of feel like I have to see if she doesn't fall out of line. I can manage doing that.

We are stopping when we have arrived at my previous home, the town where my folk, the Hunters are living. It's kind of sad that I only left to return.

'My folk doesn't have a lot of magic around here. There are only a few that are able to have better senses than most,' I tell Nova, whose eyes have turned into their previous blue grey colour.

She looks at me without expressing any emotion at all.

'The amount of people that are carrying that kind of magic doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is the kind of magic that is running through their veins. Stermon, do you have their magic?'

Stermon is sheepishly looking up, as if he is a young schoolboy that just got caught dozing off during the lecture.

'Yes, I do. I am able to smell the nature of people that are nearby. Because of that, I am able to know where people or animals are pretty quickly because I can smell their nature. I must admit...Yours isn't as dark and rotten as I thought it would smell.'

Nova is suddenly really tuning into her conversation with Stermon. She's turning her body towards him instead of me, which is probably a huge deal since she wasn't really interested in him.

'Then what do you smell?' she asks him, her eyes finally displaying something. I can interpret it as either curiosity or hope.

Stermon is giving off the image of a deer that is being chased, which is very ironic since he is the hunter most of the time.

'You smell...earthy, heavy. Fresh, minty, but also very strong. It's too strong to really like it. There's a scent that I am not able to smell, I can only get a slight breeze of it. Your scent is very layered, hence your nature is too. It should make sense since you can't be all good or bad. You are our Luna Striking Sol.'

Nova is giving him a nod, which I assume is her way of saying thank you. She shifts back to her icy statue energy and ignores all of us until we have arrived.

Something is not right. I can immediately sense it in the air, the lack of thunder that I am normally attracting is odd. It's always following me. The only way that it isn't with me is because something is preventing it from following me.

I turn around to meet Alex's eyes, only to feel the same pull towards her that I feel with Nova.

If Nova claims that she is the Luna and that I am the Striking between her and Sol, Alex should be it.

Gold That Appears To Be SilverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon