Chapter XXVI: Melted Gold

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~If you want to learn what makes someone's heart beat, you must get them to speak their mind


'The magic of those that are undefeatable when united, will be worthless for the spell once separated. The magic of those that are undefeatable separated, will be the key to a world where magic is being given to those that deserve it, once united.'

The third part of the prophecy that no one other than Nova and I know. The last part is still a big question mark for me; a world where magic is being given to those that deserve it? Why would Nova want to accomplish that? Why did she give all of her years to this final goal? She must be hoping that she is going to be more powerful than she already is.

It still doesn't make any sense since she already is the most powerful sorceress of the entire kingdom.

Alex has been inside the camp of the Eyecatchers for quite some time now. I am remotely positive that she will find her roots. She strikes me as one who would do anything to put an end to all of this. Fearwyn, however. I hope he is not going to stand in our way of accomplishing Nova's goal. The prophecies will fulfill nonetheless, but I'd prefer it if it could be in the fastest way possible. I'm curious how Alex is going to change after this.

When you think of the devil, she shall appear. Her entire posture is tense and she looks as if she has seen a ghost.

I'm the only one awake while Nova, the guards, Alyssa and the other two are sleeping.

'What happened?' I quietly ask her, not wanting to wake the others. Nova would probably want to travel further if she knows that Alex has returned. As much as I want to get this journey over with, I know that we all need our sleep.

Alex looks at me in doubt, questioning if she will tell me what happened or not.

'I learned that my magic is rooted from the Eyecatchers and the Northlings.'

She's not lying but it still doesn't explain the emotions that she is displaying.

'And how did you find out?' I try again, not wanting to give up on her hiding things from me so soon.

Her eyes, that were focused on a point next to me, suddenly pierce me with their blue and green. All I wish for is to be able to look away from them. It seems like the blue and the green are fighting each other until there is only blue left, the coldness of it freezing me where I stand.

Shivers are trailing along my back, which isn't a feeling that I am unfamiliar with. It's my instinct that is not from magic. That instinct that is telling me that there is danger lurking inside those eyes. There's only one other person that has the power to enforce that inside me.

'Felon,' she begins, giving me the impression that she is going to tell me something important.

'Not knowing whether someone has knowledge but also keeping that thought unknown to himself is the action of someone who knows nothing but his own ignorant mind.'

She walks past me after those words.

'I would try to get a certain someone to speak her mind more so you can know if her heart even beats at all,' she finishes.

As if I have just been stung by a bee, I hurt myself when I turn my neck around that fast to look at her.

She gives me a sad, knowing smile.

'All the other people around you are as blind as bats, but I'm not. I know that you love her, Felon. You can't change the feelings your stupid heart is having for someone like that. Just remember that it aren't your feelings that you need to hold a grudge against. It's your heart that is to be blamed.'

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