Chapter IV: Where The Sun Doesn't Shine

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~If you keep your heart protected by walls, no one can get in to cause you pain but neither can get love inside of it to cause you happiness

The next days are remotely calm, normal and boring. I have barely spoken to Alex at all. Taylor, on the contrary, is as hard to swat away as an annoying mosquito. Although it does feel good to have someone who keeps approaching you and tries to  reach you, even though you always keep rejecting them.

She's standing next to me right now. I just can't make her to leave me alone. I look around in desperation, searching for a force that can teleport me to the other side of the world.

If Alex would have changed her name in Australia, I would make a great tracker one day.

A fruity scent enters my nose. A long arm that is covered with the grey fabric of a sweater is being draped across my shoulder. I can feel the tranquility of Alex's presence immediately.

I take a look at her face, but her blue green eyes are forcing whirlwinds, focused on Taylor's eyes instead of mine. She's the eye of the storm.

'Taylor, how kind of you to be keeping Jaydee company. But I'm here now, so I've got it covered,' she tells Taylor in a determined voice.

Taylor looks from her face to mine, and then back at Alex's. Her facial expression turns into a resolved one.

'I didn't want to believe the rumors, but they seem to be true. Jaydee and Alex, suddenly having become best friends. I'll see you around,' she greets me with her only perfection when she gives me a smile, showing her perfect white teeth.

I roll my eyes while she is walking away and Alex removes her arm from my shoulder immediately, giving me an awkward smile.

'Please don't feel uncomfortable. Let's get some coffee so we can forget about all of this. If Taylor would represent a word, she would represent the word moist. Moist, Alex,' I tell her.

It causes Alex to crack a smile and it causes me to feel less of the big crack in my heart.

'Alright, let's go then,' she says. We walk to one of the coffee places that is the closest to our school.

We sit ourselves on one of the fluffy chairs at a table that is in the corner of the cafe, avoiding all the people in there at its finest. Our coffee has been served, which is much appreciated by both of Alex and me.

'So, Jaydee. Considering that we are here, I'd like to get to know you better aside from your "I hate humans" remarks. So let's ask each other questions until one of us chickens out. I bet that will be you. The one who chickens out has to treat, alright?'

I give her a daring look. 'Game on,' I tell her with a hint of a smile on my lips.

'Are you more afraid of death or of living?' I ask her, gaining an astonished look from her.

'Getting to the deep stuff already? Fair enough. I am more afraid of death, because you don't know what death really translates into. And if you are more afraid of living than death, then what's the point of being here?'

I nod as a sign that I've heard her. I can't help but disagree with her. The whole idea of death is personally only peaceful to me. The idea of living, however. It scares the shit out of me. You never know what will happen in life.

'My turn now. If you would die tomorrow, what would you do?'

I look at her rather sheepishly. 'If I'm being really honest, I would simply buy everything that I've already wanted to buy and use it.'

She arches one eyebrow, something she has been doing habitually. 'That's all? You don't have any wishes at all?'

I shake my head, although a little voice inside of me begs to differ.

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