Chapter XIV: One's Weakness, Is One's Strength

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~The earth may try to trap me, but air will cause me to get away. Fire may try to burn me, but water will prevent it. The air may try to take me, but fire will keep me. Water may try to drown me, but earth will absorb it with me

I'm awoken when a guard is opening the door, his heavy footsteps sounding like gunshots in the fully silent room.

I have been inside the room for about a month now and it has been far too long. They brought me food and books. Ocasionally, they give me a fifteen minute shower break outside the chamber. Or prison cell. I have been thinking a lot about everything else. Cinder hasn't paid me a visit after the first one. I hope he hasn't gotten in trouble because of his first visit.

What have my parents been thinking when they noticed that I am missing? They probably think that I have run from home, considering our bad relationship and our last fight.

The guard wordlessly takes me by the elbow, and I have decided not to protest against it.

I would rather find out what is going to happen next and furthermore, leave this room

So it means that Cynic, Cynthia and Cinder haven't known that they were part of the prophecy before us until Dr Dastrom told them.

Only Cynn knew about the prophecy.

Where did this prophecy come from and how did Cynthia know about it when we first met?

I hope that I'll be able to get a moment alone with her.

I am being led to a room, filled with everyone, strangely enough.

The guard releases my elbow and I get to roam around the room as much as I like.

I spot Darwin's head, accompanied by Cynthia's, Cynic's and Cinder's.

I sigh in relief and make my way over to them, ready to ask them my questions.

There are for about a dozen more people inside the room, some sitting together in groups at the tables, others loudly talking while standing.

Who are they? More prisoners?

'Hello, Jaydee,' Darwin greets when I sit myself next to him.

I greet him and the others and spill the beans immediately.

'Cynthia, how did you even know about the prophecy before you told us about it?' I ask her, my question gaining me eight eyes on me at the same time.

Cynthia moves her amber eyes to mine, cautiously.

'Cynn told me the night before he died. I don't know how he knew it, but he had sent us to give you the information you needed. He told us that all our lifes depended on it. All I know is that he knew so much that he killed himself in order to protect us.'

I put a finger underneath my chin, thinking about everything.

'Do the three of you have powers as well?' I ask, my next question that has been burning inside me for quite some time now.

Cynic answers for the three of them, his eyes of glass looking through mine.

'Cynn could see people for who they are on the inside. That's why he trusted the three of us that much; we were beautiful in his eyes.We didn't even know that we were a part of the prophecy before yours until approximately a month ago. I resembled Perfection, but I am not able to draw people the way Darwin can. I can tell people what they have to do if they want to be the best version of themselves. Cynthia was the Mind and is just very wise in her ways. And Cinder...You have heard too much truth out of his big mouth to even question why he represents Truth.'

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