1: positive

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"Jordan I love you, please don't leave me," I beg him. "I love you too, but I can't do this anymore," Jordan says push me off him.
He's walks out of our apartment with a bag of his stuff. Now I'm alone in our apartment that until now, shared.
Tears start streaming down my face. This is the third time he has left me and probably the final.
We've been on and off for three years. I lay down in the couch and watch tv.
Then I get a call from my friend Daniel. "Hello?" I answer.
"Lexis what's wrong?" He asks. "Jordan left me again," I say through tears.
"Oh Lexis he doesn't deserve you." "Thanks Daniel, so what's up with you?"
"I'm about to go on stage, I just had a feeling that I needed to call you," he says. "Aww well anyway break a leg," I say.
"Thanks Lexis, see you soon." And then he hangs up.

*week later
I was eating breakfast, when I had the feeling to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and threw up.
"Ugh I must be sick," I said. I went back to the kitchen and continued eating, when I had to throw up again.
"Guess I can't go to work today," I say sighing. I laid down in my bed.
I called my mom. "Hello," she answered.
"Mom I'm sick," I said. "Oh honey I'm sorry, I'll come over after I drop the twins off at school."
"K see ya then." I hanged up.
My mom comes over. She checks my temperature.
"You don't have a fever, are you pregnant?" She asks. "What no!" I say.
"You sure? I could buy you tests." "No mom I'm fine."
"Okay just asking." Then that got me thinking, am I pregnant?
I haven't had my period this month but I'm irregular so. No I'm not, I probably just ate something bad.
"I'm making you soup, stay in bed," my mom says. I nod and play games on my phone.

*few days later
I've been throwing up for the last few days. I told my friend Corbyn about the situation and he said I should take a test.
Jack, Corbyn, Daniel, Zach, and Jonah are coming over later, so I decide to take a test before they get here. I take a digital test and a line test.
I wait five minutes and look at the results. Positive on both.
I begin to cry. I can't be a mom, I just graduated high school.
Two hours later the boys arrive. Corbyn pulls me aside.
"Did you take a test?" He asks. I nod.
"It was positive, I'm pregnant," I whisper. Corbyn pulls me into a hug.
"Don't tell the others yet," I say. "I won't."

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