34: im sorry

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Jonah's pov
"During surgery, we did lose him for a bit, but we got him back," I hear a voice say.
"Wait, lose him as in?" Another voice asks. Wait, that's Corbyn.
"As in his heart stopped during surgery and we had to restart it." I was right.
I died. One moment I was here, the next gone.
I hear Corbyn pull up a chair next to me. "Hey buddy, it's Corbyn," Corbyn says.
He grabs my hand. I wish this nightmare was over.
I use all the energy I have left in me and lightly squeeze his hand. "Jonah?"
Corbyn lets go of my hand. "Jonah squeezed my hand, can I get someone in here?" I hear him yell.
I slowly open my eyes and it's fuzzy at first. I see people running over to me.
"Oh my god Jonah you're awake, I have to get the others." I feel my body starting to ache.
I groan in pain. A nurse puts something in my iv.
"This will help with the pain," she says. Corbyn, Zach, Daniel, and Jack walk into my room.
I look over at them and wave. Daniel pushes past the boys and hugs me.
Pain runs through my body. "I'm sorry," he whispers.

Lexis's pov *next day
Natalie and I get discharged from the hospital. Zach drives me home.
"So Daniel," Zach says. "It's over. He nearly killed us. I can't stand the fighting."
Zach silently nodded his head. We pull up to the house and I limp into the house.
I lay in my bed with Natalie and fall asleep. I wake up to hear yelling.

Jack's pov
Lexis came home from the hospital today, while Corbyn is still there with Jonah. I'm sitting on the couch when I hear the doorbell ring and I get up to open it.
A tall, thin guy with bloodshot eyes is at the door. "Jordan? What are you doing here?" I ask.
"Natalie, my baby," he mumbles. "Sorry but can't come in."
I try to close the door but he pushes. "My baby!" He yells.
"Hey let's calm down," I hear Zach say, coming up behind me. "My baby! I want my baby!"
He storms into the house. Zach and I grab him and walk him out of the house.
We hurry and lock the door before he can come back in. We hear him pound on the door.
20 minutes later, he gives up and walks away. I walk back to the couch and step on something.
A small bag of weed. I pick it up and throw it away in the trash.

(A/n: Sorry for not posting in forever.)

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