12: meeting her

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Daniel goes home and it's just Jonah and I. "Do you think this is it?" Jonah asks.
"Feels like it," I say after a contraction. "I'm so excited to meet her."
"Me too. Should we call Jordan?" "Yeah I will."
Jonah calls Jordan. He sighs.
"Didn't answer." I sigh.
"Oww Jonah oww!" I feel my water break.
"Oh my god," he says. "Get the bags! Get the bags!"
Jonah rushes into the bedroom. He helps me off the couch.
He helps me to the car and throws the bags in. Jonah calls my mom.
"Hello," she answers. "Hi Josie, Lexis is in labor and we're heading out to the hospital now," Jonah says.
"Okay I'll meeting you there, bye." "Bye."
Then he calls Jordan. "Hello?" Jordan answers.
"Hey Jordan, it's Jonah, Lexis is in labor and we're heading to the hospital." "Oh my god I'll be there."
Jordan hangs up. "I can't believe he's going to be at the hospital," I mumble.
We pull up to the entrance. "I'll park the car after we get you admitted," Jonah says.
Jonah and I walk up to the entrance. "Hi my girlfriend is in labor," Jonah says.
"Name?" "Lexis Bowen."
A nurse comes and helps me into a wheelchair. Jonah runs out to the car to park it.
I get an iv and get hooked up to monitors. The nurse checks me.
"5 centimeters, halfway there. If you want an epidural, you can get one now." "Yes please!" I say after a contraction.
After getting an epidural, Jonah and my mom walk in. "Hey honey, how are you feeling?" My mom asks.
"Good, the epidural is taking effect." She kisses my forehead and sits down in a chair.
"You should get some rest Lexis," Jonah says. I look at the time.
11 pm. I nod and close my eyes.
I wake up at 3 am with Jonah next to me. I push the nurse button.
I wake up Jonah. "Jonah wake up, I think the baby is coming."
"Hmm?" A half asleep Jonah says. "The baby is coming!"
Jonah opens his eyes wide. He jumps out of bed and falls on the floor.
I start laughing. "Ouch."
The nurse comes in and checks me. "10 centimeters, I'll call your doctor."
My mom wakes up. Jonah kisses me.
"You're about to be a mom," he says smiling. I nod.
I push for about twenty minutes when I hear a cry. "Lexis she's here!" Jonah says excitedly.
I start crying and Jonah kisses me. "Wait where's Jordan?" I ask.
The doctor hands me my baby and I hold her. "She's beautiful."
"Where's Jordan?" I ask again. My mom goes into the waiting room.
She comes back in with Jordan. "Here he is," my mom says.
Jordan stands there awkwardly. "Do you want to hold her Jordan?" I ask.
He nods. I give her to him.
He sits down with her. She starts crying.
Jordan gives her to Jonah. She stops crying.
"That baby is not mine, I demand a dna test," Jordan says angrily. Jonah gives the baby to me and takes Jordan into the hallway.

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