19: 19th birthday

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Lexis's pov *week later
It's a quiet beautiful morning, almost too quiet. "Morning Lexis, happy birthday Lexis!" I hear five boys scream.
I wake up quickly. "Happy birthday!" They scream again.
Natalie starts crying. "Boys!" I yell at them.
"Don't worry, I got her," Corbyn says walking over to Natalie's crib and picking her up. "Jesus y'all are loud."
I get up and usher them out of my room so I can change. "You too Daniel," I say pushing him out.
He laughs and leaves. I change and do my hair and makeup.
I come into the living room and try to take Natalie from Corbyn. "I can feed her, go relax Lexis," he says.
"Sorry Corbyn, but you don't have boobs," I say laughing. "I have nipples, that should be good enough."
I laugh harder and take Natalie to feed her. "So what do you want to do for your birthday?" Jack asks.
"Umm just stay here and order pizza," I answer. "Oh no you're not," Zach says.
"Why not?" "You're nineteen, you're young and fun, so let's have fun tonight."
"I'm also a mom to a month old baby who needs my attention 24/7." "Boys back me up."
"Zach's right, you need to have fun before Natalie gets older and you get older too," Daniel says. "I agree with Lexis, Natalie needs her," Jonah says.
"Corbyn, Jack what do you guys think?" Zach asks. "I'm with Zach," Corbyn says.
"Me too," Jack says. "There, it's settled. You're going out tonight Lexis."

Zach, Corbyn, Jack, and Daniel are taking me out to a club while Jonah stays home with Natalie. I sound like a bad mom for leaving my baby to go to a club.
I dress up and do my hair and makeup.


"Hot mama," I hear Daniel say

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"Hot mama," I hear Daniel say. "Don't think it's a little much?" I ask.
"No, of course not." "My body is just not the same as it was before Natalie, so I have some chub."
"Hey I like no matter if you have chub or not," Daniel says wrapping his arms around my waist. Does Daniel like me?
No he doesn't, we're just friends. Or not.
I feel lips peck my cheek softly. I put my hand on his cheek and turn my head around to kiss him.
Why does something so wrong feels so good. We hear a knock on the door.
Daniel and I break apart. "Come in," I say.
"Hey you guys ready to go?" Corbyn asks as he walks in. "Yeah, we are," Daniel says.
We walk out of my room and past Jonah in the living room. "Take good care of her," I say.
"I will, have fun," he says. We get in the car and drive to the club.
"Uh I need something to drink," I mumble. "Hey you're 19, not 21," Zach says.
"I know dad." He laughs and gets me a virgin margarita.
Later that night, I meet Daniel in a dark corner. "Hello gorgeous," he says putting his arm around my waist.
We kiss each other. "Hey what are you guys doing?"

(A/n: hi still alive, have not lost interest in this story. Thank you for the support you guys give and thanks to you this book has been rated in the top tens for different categories and I cannot thank you enough! Love y'all!)

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