Chapter 3

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"Thanks for giving me a ride to the airport Scotty boy," I thanked Darling as I got out of his truck and grabbed my suitcase.

"You're welcome James! I'll see ya in 2 weeks... Alright?"

"Ok... Thanks again," I said and slammed the door to his truck before wheeling my bag to the check in area.

I patiently waited in line and looked down at my phone going through my twitter stuff... Which had basically been the same type of stuff from the day before. Once I got up front I talked to the nice lady who weighed my bag and checked me in. Soon enough it was done and she sent me on my way to my gate, and of course go through security first. After all that was done I just sat at my gate for an hour or so waiting for our flight to board.

To be honest as I sat there I thought about all the great friends I had. The way that they always supported me was great. They always paid attention to my mood and always attempted to help me through rough spots, no matter how tough those spots were. While I was sitting there I got a text from Joonas I read it and laughed at what he had sent me, "If you see my brother in Boston tell him I say hi."

"The chances of that are slim to none... But I will if I do haha," is what I replied with.

About 5 minutes after that my flight was called so I quickly made a group message with Joonas, Darling, and Miikka telling them that my flight was boarding and I would text them once my flight landed safely. I then got in the line for my flight and presented my ticket to the lady before going down the tunnel and getting on. I looked up at the letters and numbers finding my seat... I mentally cheered 'YES! I love you hockey players!!! Aisle seat!'. I quickly plopped down in my seat and put my phone on airplane mode before buckling up. After about 15 minutes the pilot told us that we should buckle up... Soon enough we took off... I drifted into a sleep, a very comfortable one.

"Attention everyone... We have just started descending and will be at Logan International in about a half an hour," is what I woke up to the pilot saying.

I looked at my phone to see it was 8:30ish. I couldn't figure out what to do exactly so I just leaned forward and grabbed one of the magazines. This one happened to be a sky mall magazine. Oh god this should be funny I thought to myself. Looking through it I saw that they were selling goofy stuff such as a vacuum cleaner... That was remote control style. How lazy can people be?

"This is your captain speaking... We are about to land so please put everything away... Thank you for flying South West airlines... Have a nice day," He said...

Before I knew it we were landed and I was getting my suitcase. I wondered around and looked for my cousin... Then I saw her... and she saw me at the same time. We ran towards each other a pulled each other close.

"Gosh! I missed you so much James... It's been like forever," She whispered to be before pulling away too look at me. "And you got even prettier!"

"Nah, you did Jen," I replied as my cheeks turned a deep red.

"Oh shut up... You are absolutely beautiful! I'm surprised someone in Milwaukee hasn't gone after you yet," She joked giving me a smile with her prefect teeth.

"A guy go after me? Psh... I'm surprised every guy in Boston hasn't gone after you yet," I replied smirking at her raising my left eyebrow.

"We'll I've had two go after me... And I'm kinda dating him now," She informed in a small voice.

"Ohhh! Jen's getting busy now! Is this still one of your first boyfriends, Jen?"

"Yeah it is...Come over here and meet my boyfriend," Jen stated as she slung her arm around my shoulder and guided me over to a man with curly dark, about 6'3 who was looking down at his phone.

"Jamie this is Tuukka... Tuukka this is Jamie," Jen introduced us.

The man looked up... His face was almost exactly the same as Joonas'... My eyes opened wide as I said, "Voi vittu!" (Oh Fuck)

"What," Jen asked.

Tuukka's eyes opened wide also and Jen just looked at me and then him before he mumbled, "Soumi," to her.

"Jamie... How do you know Finnish," She asked taking her arm off my shoulder as she looked at me.

I looked between her and Tuukka before replying with a little smile and a nod towards Tuukka, "His brother taught me."

All of us looked between each other before I broke the silence saying, "Joonas told me to say hi to you."

I offered him a smile. Tuukka just gave me a weird look, raising an eyebrow, mentally telling me to continue. "He told me joking around that if I saw his brother, you," I pointed to Tuukka, "To say hi to him... So here I am... Saying hi."

"Wait, Jamie... How did you meet Joonas," Jen asked scrunching her eye brows together.

"Remember... I'm the admiral's equipment manager," I asked looking at her.

"Oh yeah... I kinda forgot," She replied.

Tuukka then stuck out his hand and smiled to me, "Hi, I'm Tuukka. Sorry if I seemed like an ass earlier... I... was just... uhh shocked... Not many people know both me and my brother."

"It's fine... And to be honest... I'm kinda glad I get to hear a Finnish accent... I thought I would die without hearing one for two weeks... Now I supposed I won't have to find out what it's like not hearing one," I replied with a small chuckle after I shook Tuukka's hand, "And I'm Jamie... It's nice to meet you."


How was it? Let me know in the comments!! :)

Thanks for reading!

-JJ :)

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