Chapter 19

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Ok... There are like 2 chapter left... PLUS an epilogue. I'll post once a day until I finish posting this book...


“We’ll have it Our Way,” Brad’s voice echoed throughout my dream… Or Nightmare as most call it, “We’ll have it Our Way.” That line had been drilled into my head. And it’s been driving me nuts.  

“OH GOD NO! NO! NO! WHYYY,” I screamed and thrashed around on my bed before opening my eyes and looking at the ceiling, breathing heavily.

“Jamie! Are you ok,” Miikka asked rushing into my room, letting the door hit the wall, and onto the bed next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed a soothing pattern on my back as I sobbed into his chest. “What’s wrong James? These have been going on for weeks now.” It’s horrible… what he said is coming back to haunt me. I thought I was done with him.

Miikka and I have been together for about a month and a half. These nightmares have been going on for about a month now too. Also, for the record Miikka doesn’t live with me. One night he was just crashing here and found out that I was having these nightmares- that made him realize they were the reason why I wasn’t getting enough sleep every night. It takes away a good 2 to 3 hours of sleep each night.  Miikka sleeps in the guest room every few nights… and when we’re on the road… I’m well, alone with my own hotel room. I asked Miikka to not tell the boys that I was having these horrid nightmares, and of course he respected that because I like if they knew they would probably push it out of me, trying to find out what they’re about. I’m the only one that knows what they’re about, I refuse to even tell Miikka.

“Are you ok?”

I nodded as I continued to cry into his chest.

“Do you want to talk about it Jamie,” He asked as he gave me a kiss on the head.

I shook my head, “No. I-I can’t. I’m sorry for waking you up… You can go to bed Miikka,” I told him as I pulled away, lying back into the comfy, fluffy pillow. He slowly got up and left the room with a concerned look on his face, his blue eyes were practically glowing with sadness. It just made me feel bad, really bad.

I laid there, on my side with the blankets pulled up high, looking at the window. The lights of Milwaukee shined through the opaque curtains. This was caused by Brad… Oh what he’s doing to me… I didn’t realize how close Brad and I got in the time he and I spent together. Once I calmed down Miikka places a firm kiss on my forehead and left me to sleep. There’s something I have to do in the morning…


“Bye Miikka… Thanks for being here for me last night… I really appreciate it,” I told Miikka as I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“If you need anything tonight… Just let me know… And ya know Emily and Filip are down the hall. They’d be happy to help you out, ok? I’ll uhh see you tomorrow,” He informed as he gave me a peck on the nose and then my lips. I slightly blushed as I ushered him out the door.

Once I closed it I went to my room and stared up at the ceiling. I watched as the fan went round and round. I made a mistake. I’m the very first to admit it. Brad had taken my heart, in the little time that I had known him. Taking a deep breath I sat up so I was looking straight out the door of my room and into the living room. I let out a deep breath and looked down at my phone before picking it up and dialing a number that I’ve only used like once or twice.

I let it ring and ring before I heard a, “Hello,” from the other line. The thing is… It wasn’t Brad’s voice. It was a girl’s voice.

I took a shaky breath, “Hi! Is Bra-,”

“Melissa give me my phone!! Hi, sorry sisters aren’t very cool… Brad here! Now who is this,” He questioned as his sister I’m guessing was yelling at him in the background.

“It’s uh… Jamie,” I whispered not knowing if this was the right thing or not.

“Jamie? Jamie! Oh my god! Jamie,” He exclaimed with quite a bit of excitement in his voice as he realized who had called him.

“Yeah… Hi Brad,” I said into the phone with a little smile on my face.

“I can’t believe it’s you Jamie! I missed you so much,” His voice was filled with excitement.

Tears started running down my cheeks, “I-I missed you too… Uh Brad… Listen I have a question.”

“Go ahead Jamie… I’m listening.”

I choked, “Can I still come visit you when we come out to providence in 2 weeks?” I was seriously unsure of what his response would be.

“Of- Of course Jamie… You’re always welcome here… Can… Can I just ask you a quick question?”

“Yeah, Brad, fire away,” I replied as I wiped the tears from my cheeks.

“Why did you leave… without saying goodbye first,” Brad asked as he let out a deep sigh.

I took a few seconds to think, “Because I wasn’t thinking at all. And I thought someone here, in Milwaukee, was a better choice. I was wrong! And- and I’m wicked sorry for that Brad… I- I just… I don’t know why I thought Miikka would be the better choice! He’s more like a brother than anything to me… I just-“

“It’s ok Jamie… I was just… crushed when I could out you didn’t want to be with me… But… But… Awe man. I’m sorry but I gotta go… My sister is making me go to lunch with her and her boyfriend. Can I call you back later?”

“I- Yeah, you can Brad… I’ll talk to you too soon.”

“Ok Jamie…. Don’t go anywhere. I want you to be in my arms again. I miss you a lot… Bye now,” He said before hanging up. Wow. I didn’t realize how much I missed him.  

“Love you,” I whispered even though I knew that he had already hung up.


Thanks for reading!!! Let me know what you think is gonna happen next chapter!!! :)


- JJ <3

Our Way (A Boston Bruins Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora