Chapter 14

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I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling fan as it went around and around. My mind was flashing in a million different directions. Should I listen to my cousin and not be with Brad? Even if I did decide to be with Brad there would be a distance. And then there’s Miikka… I could actually have a chance with him… He and I live in the same state… hell… We live on the same street. But, Miikka also goes home during the off season so, that could be tough. Yet that wouldn’t be a large part of the year, whereas I would be away from Brad majority of the year… Miikka doesn’t speak English very well, so I couldn’t talk to him about much until he can actually comprehend it… Brad on the other hand would understand everything I say because it’s his first language…

Well, it looks like I have made my decision…  

As I laid there and smiled at my final decision my phone that was lying on my stomach vibrated… I closed my eyes hard and then opened them before picking up my phone. There was a message bubble that said there was a text from Jen. I happily opened it and realized that I should’ve been at her place 20 minutes ago. 

I quickly sprung up and went straight out the door and eventually to the hall where Jen’s door was. I knocked a special little beat that she and I always did as kids… Afterwards I just stood there waiting and waiting.

“Hmm I wonder who that is,” She said quite loud from the other side of the door.  

 “Hey Jen! How are you,” I greeted Jen as she opened her apartment door.

“I’m great! I’m sorry I haven’t had time to hang with you! Work is just so busy… And actually, I took next week off… But, now you need to go home on Sunday… The good news is we can hang out tomorrow too,” Jen informed as she let me in and ushered me to the living room.  

I sat down in a recliner, “Yeah, I wish I could stay… But the guy there just can’t pull all the weight there by himself!”

“That’s because you, Ms. Jamie, are a very strong person and can take A LOT of stress unlike some people,” Jen replied with a little giggle as she pulled out her phone, “Oh! Do you want to go out to lunch? I’ve been dying for lunch for about an hour now!”

“Haha alright, where do you want to go,” I asked as I sat forward and leaned my elbows on my knees.

She stood up stuffing her phone in her pocket, “Let’s just go wherever the sidewalks take us!”

I nodded, in agreement as I stood up from the recliner, “Alright, I can roll with that!”

The two of us started walking out of her apartment, “What have you done here so far Jamie? Have you been to Salem yet?”

“Oh, I’ve done a lot of historical stuff… However, I haven’t done Salem or the Bunker Hill Memorial, I’ve done most of the other stuff,” I informed with a smile, pulling my phone out of my pocket. I had decided to check twitter. I scrolled through as the two of us got in the elevator.

I saw that Mathieu Tousignant tweeted, “Blue eyes on a girl? Best thing EVER! #Beauty”  

“Oh god,” I exclaimed laughing as I saw something Anthony (Bitetto) tweeted.

“What,” Jen asked looking up at me in amusement.    

“Bitetto was like ‘hey girl… you be looking fly in my jersey #Umetonightat8’… He’s so funny,” I told her as I laughed and smiled.

“Gosh! I’ve only met him once but I know enough to know he’s being serious,” She replied with a little smirk as the two of us walked out to the opened elevator door.

“I know… That’s why he’s so funny,” I said with a smile, “And I can totally see him saying this in his New York accent too!”

“I know! And damn! He has a thick accent,” she informed with a smile, “Hey! How about we stop here!” Jen pointed to a Unos to our right. I recognized it as the place where Brad and I had lunch the other day together.

“Sure! I was just here on like Monday,” I exclaimed as we were being ushered to our seats.  

“Oh! Really,” Jen asked, as if she knew I was here.

“Yeah,” I replied suspiciously as the two of us sat down on either side of the booth. I quickly picked up my menu, trying to avoid what was coming.

“Oh, and did you come here by yourself,” She asked lowering the menu, just so I could see her raising a brow. Her blue eyes practically pierced straight through my soul. I had never felt so see through and vulnerable.

“I just came here by myself, why?”

She put her menu down and looked at me with a little frown on her clear, pale face. “Jamie, I know you were here with Brad… I know you have been spending a lot of time with him,” She took a shaky breath, “I thought I told you not to do anything with him! I thought that you’d listen to me, but I guess I thought wrong. You know how I feel? I feel betrayed… I-I told you not to do ANYTHING with his for a reason! He’s hurt me and he’s bound to hurt you! Brad is the type of guy who can’t stay with a girl… And… And it’s usually just a fling… I’m sorry if I’m acting like your mom… but… I just don’t want to see my little cousin hurt!”

My mind was running in a thousand directions and my heart was practically pounding out of my chest. I’m surprised no one was giving me weird looks because they could probably hear my heart. My brain almost immediately calmed once I remembered my final decision I had made before I came to Jen’s.

“Jen,” I took a deep breath, “I’m completely done with him. I wasn’t the fling this time, he was.” I smiled brightly at her and got one in return.


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- JJ :)  

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